1 in 4 teen girls has an STD

^ LOL!!! :pimp:


team black - Eleventy Billion/ team white - 1 :bigthumb:

it was joke about the whole thing with obama’s pastor and his black values thing.

i would like to point out thou… suburban whites and blacks are about the same… but inner city whites and blacks …very different lifestyles.

Hood rats are Hood rats , should probably steer clear. haha

I always tried to fuck with some bitches that actually had a job and not collecting on the system haha

HPV is not only caused by having sex…it is also genetic and can come from birth control and irregular periods…i know people who have/had it

Getting gang raped by meth addicts and then giving birth to Darkstar? :dunno:

baby jesus f’in loves you

Ok ??? What the hell is that supposed to mean ???

nvm that went way over your head

I’m surprised this hasn’t been mentioned already…One in four girls may very well have an STD, but gee, I wonder where/who they got it from?

I want to see the male study results.

of course guys are going to be a bit more loose as far as slinging their funk than a female…but eve bit the apple…not adam
