1 liter bike questions.. .. i sold my zx6r..

personally i wouldnt own a Kaw. after they redid the motor supposly the 05s are better then the early 04s. i havent been much into thebike market since i bought mine. but one thing i know you cant be a honda. might not be the fastest or lightest but are probably best quailty. i have owned 3 out of the 4 popular makes and have to say honda was the best. ive owned afew bikes also.

yea on 6s you have to dump it for most part unless your on a new 6 where it has the power of yesterdays litres.
i used to power wheelie but ever since i started clutching thats what i use and hardly ever power. actually ahvent really got into riding all that much this year so im rusty as hell and timid about my height. beginning of year i was up arond 10-11 while riding sit downs now im around 9.

personally the Kaws are ugly IMHO but dont let that decide for you. go off feel and how it responds. since its a expensive purchase. and with a used Litre its probably not as beat on as a 6 since you dont need to rev a litre to go anywhere as a 6 you need to rev and beat it. not saying mine doenst get beat up on when im riding hard but most of time im under 4k while cruising.

last model R1s arent bad but watch for neck bearings and of course the trans. ninjas always had motor issues over the years. Sukis are you typical Squid bike most newbs get them. besides that they are a fairly good bike. so my choice would either be suki or honda but HONDA here

o at 14,5xx right now, been lazy with riding this year but no issues