1 thing i fucking hate

is when coworker negligence gets me a call at 7am and a hell alot of grief before 10am!!!

fucking NOC is supposed to sit there and watch monitoring, if something throws an error then they see why the error was thrown. Legato1 throws an error at 9pm… i get called at 7am by another member of my team.


kill someone

i hate that shit man… people that don’t do shit right fucks everyone over.

let you anger build up for a few years then bring an AK with 30 round banana clips and teach everyone the ins and outs of professional accountability.

I hate when someone calls me and says: this stupid computer this, this stupid computer that… blah blah blah stupid computer

and its ALWAYS the stupid user causing the problems…

I also hate blame shifting, but that’s not my fault.

1 thing I hate…hmm

dunno this morning has gone pretty well
im good for right now…but if I drive my car at lunch, there will be a post about the one thing I hate!

i hate hearing “the system is down”

for fucking thing that is ‘wrong’

everything is down, total system lost OMG OMG
waaah wahhh

fuckin reboot

and then /yourself

I hate getting calls, and after 10 minutes of trying to get exactly what the problem is, all I hear is “the internet don’t work”. No matter what you ask you get the same response.


i hate asking what the error message is and they say “it was something about an error on the system”

fuck you… learn to read and call back.

whitey, what kind of work does your company do? some sort of networking for something??

pizza delivery silly :ugh2:

yeah we make sure all pizzas are delivered properly

how come your cell phone number isnt in the support section? :kekegay:

um right

well it seems like when something breaks they always call you

not so much, but being on systems team is 24x7

i think i would rather get the problem at 7 am then get the noc paging me at 2 am because the is a loss of signal alarm at a customer prem that is only open from 8-5 monday-friday