10/14 Oktoberfest 07 Greensburg

There are a bunch of local Audi people making this our big fall G2G, and we’ll be partying with an RV and food and drink. If you would like to be a part of that and bring some food/drink to share, let me know. You don’t have to be an Audi person; we even have people that still hang out that don’t own Audi’s anymore.

hope its nice out, if so ill be there.

i live about 5 mins away so ill prob show up and check things out

i live 5 minutes away too, but not interested in anything with sendells name on it.

Why is that?

yeah i know what you mean…they tryed to sell me a 98 teggy gsr for 8g

but still i think itll be worth going down and meeting some people

Yeah, I have no idea about anything concerning Sendel. To me, it’s just a place where the meet is being held. No reason to boycot just because it’s their lot.
In any case, if anyone is interested in sharing in the food and all, PM me, as we have a list of “who is bringing what”.
Otherwise, if you’re around and see the RV with “audizine.com” banners on it, that’s us, so stop by and say hey and watch us eat all the food.

am i welcome in a swedish car?

Got me… there is the “Other Euro” category if you want to show so I’d think that about covers it; regardless stop and say hey if you do come out.

Me too,

Bad service department

you would be correct. thats how they got me.

Looks like you will have nice weather on Sunday. The show usually has some nice cars. I went for a couple years but missed the last two years. There’s a remote chance I’ll go on Sunday… would not show though.

Are you guys going to have the RV parked at Sendell on Sunday? If so I’m interested.

Yep. Here is thread with info.


You may have to search back a few pages as we usually just talk about random ish amongst the actual important stuff.
I think we’re basically bringing our own drink, and then sharing the food/utensils. Look for the master list of what we need and then who is bringing what. We could use grills of any type. Foreman grills are fine as the RV has A/C power from generator. You don’t have to sign up for that forum and post what you’ll bring if you don’t want to; just PM me here and I’ll add you to the list with what you’ll bring. I think napkins and munchies are what’s needed most at this point. Maybe some meat of some sort with buns, too, but we’re kind of short on grills to cook it. So, some of us are making things like BBQ Ham in a crock pot.
Once there, look for this, and ask for Lee:


I could be also at the car in my sig; most likely they won’t be parked next to each other, but the show people said they would try and get them as close as they can.

hey ill prob be there i mean i live in dt greensburg
but no show car lol
but mebe ill stop by and meet people
ill be the little girl in the red honda civic… unless i make my new bf drive his tc
but mebe i can get some shots on the cars if ppl r interested and its a bit warm
i need a few new shots for my portfolio

wat would you like me to bring?

no go for me this year. i have been to almost everyone in the past but that was mostly because it was at 3 rivers

Not too sure this is the kind of show where people want pics taken with models. It’s more low-key and chill, not like the big shows. But I’m sure you could ask around once there, or email the show sponsor, and see if they are cool with it.
Also, not too keen on under 21 hanging with our crew, as we have a few teachers and what not, and that doesn’t sit well when there is alcohol around. No one wants to lose a job over it, ya know? I should’ve posted that but forgot we have youngins’ here at Pittspeed. The Audi people that are at the normal G2G average in age at about 30, with my age factored in bringing the average up a year or two. without me in the mix they are most all late 20’s.

Lee, I’ll bring some sort of meat & buns, drinks and some munchies to share. See you there. :bigok:

a bag!
