10-7-08 Debate thread

+1 Obama seems to actually answer questions. McCain actually slings mud and calls people his friends. i wish he would stop that i find it disturbing.

^ word he just said it 2 more times and it’s making me wanna drive a nail into my teste.

LMFAO!!!Nuclear power is clean and cheap. It creates hundreds of thousands of jobs lol. doesnt it only take like 10 people to operate like 30 nuke plants?

democrats… so sad. :stuck_out_tongue:

both of them have no wright to talk about middle class , they have know idea what its like to scrap buy trying pay your rent every month, try to afford healthcare, orrrrrrrr what its like to dig a big ass hole of dept to go to school not knowww’ing if you will get a job that can pay off all that dept… both of them are d-bags worth $1,000,000 'sss … more so mccain that dude wipes his ass with $100’s

Obama is all studdering and pausing between words and repeating the same thing :bloated:. The question about if they plan to do something about medicade and social security…he just mumbled. McCain actually STATED an idea. Obama was just “well…thats something that must be done…”

dude… Jared you are a horrible speller lol

you got that backwards, slick. Every other question McCain answers with " WELL WE HAVE TO HELP THE HOUSING MARKET…" whereas Obama has answered and EXPLAINED what the fuck he was talking about to everything he has been asked.

Narow minded republicans. Keep up the good work;)

Corruption at its best.

Lets screw the public and help the filthy rich. YAY elephant!!!

health care records on line?! :picard: i would give it a week before its hacked.

i dont know about ten people but yes it is deffinitly not cheap and very bad for the environment. nuclear power creates tons of pollution

Hire the hackers, problem solved. Thats what banks and other government agencys do daily. They are called “ethical hackers” they are also used to troubleshoot Beta security software so on and so forth


Fucking hay maker with the “we don’t have time for on the job training”

hes been saying stupid shit like that at both debates it lost its shock factor after the first time he did it

Eh. Ya true. Honestly its allways about a big douche and a giant terd.

I was actually 100% against Obama when he first started campaigning. Dont even mention Hillary. Anyway McCain absolutely obliterated his immage in my eyes. Just my two cents.

Im not a Democrat, or a Republican. I just like making my own mind up regardless of the clique backing the candidate.

“…for all the things McCain keeps proposing we spend money on and still has not explained where the money is going to come from…”

pwnage. took the words right out of my simple little mind.

Susie came home from college and told her dad she wanted to be a democrat because of how unfair everything is and that everything should be equal. She told him democrats make everything fair to everyone. Her dad asked how school was and she told him how great is was and she had a 4.0 GPA and he told her “great job! I bet you worked hard for that.” She told him she did but she said that her friend Jesse only finished her first semester with a 2.0 GPA because she wasn’t studying as much. Susie’s dad said “Well why don’t you just give Jesse one of your points so you both have a 3.0 and that way everything would be equal and fair?” Susie responded “Hell no! I worked real hard for that 4.0, why should I give her one of my points when I worked so hard and she didn’t?!” Susie’s dad said: “Welcome to the Republican party”.

off topic but did anyone see the dude in white shir and tie behind mccain that almost fell asleep?

lol he caught himself and aborted on saying bin ladens first name

Awesome story, a cute one as well. Now imagine suzie has a company that makes 1 million a year, and pays 500 bucks a week in taxes (hypothetical situation relax).

Now you have Jesse makes 5000 a year and pays 200 a week in taxes. Shouldnt jesse get a tax break? Nah lets not help her out. But wait. We can give her low interest loans so that she can spend spend spend!!! yay!!!

Democrats do not proposoe what is depicted in your story. That seems like comunism. Great in theory but flawed in practice due to the components involved(people)

No where do they say you cant work your way up and succeed. They are simply implying that the rich should pay some more dues.

But honestly. How much work do you honestly believe that a CEO of a 1 billion dollar company actually does?

Please answer that I would love to hear your answer