Tonight's Debate

I’ll keep it succinct since everyone has their mind made up when it comes to for whom to vote:

Kerry seemed to edge out Bush. I felt a little pity for Bush up there; he’s had a stressful four years, and he’s had to debate someone who’s his intellectual superior three times. He sometimes looks like he’s aged twenty years.

Positive for Bush: His answer to the “powerful women” question put a smile on even the most die-hard Bush-hater’s face. This is the kind of charisma he’s lacked in his presidency. To hear him use self-depricating humour like that adds some dimension to the flat “arrogant cowboy” image many see in him.

I almost hope Bush wins. Then we can see a good race for '08. Cheney won’t seek the presidency…I don’t think his heart will last that long… Maybe we could see a McCain vs. Dean election in '08? I’d blow my load just trying to pick which one of those two to vote for…

Shaved > Bush


on a positive note… i bought Highschool High and 187 from walmart tonight for $5.50 each!!

either way…its all good… :hitit:

yup listin to the pizza boy!

carry was a bumbling bitch he walked his way out of every question…

question…deployed reservisits extensions over in iraq…create 2 more active duty military branches… wtf how in gods name you ever gonna get to do that when recruiting is low for even the reserves…so tel me how your gonna recruit for 2 more active duty branches…wait imply the 2 year active duty rule before you can enter into the reserves…then how is that any better then a fucking stop loss…

hes a fucking douce bag point being that asshole gets in my job is done and guarenteed 2500 others that work right next to me everyday/

not saying im a bush lovber either theer both full of shit but when i know 2500 peoples jobs depend on an election you better believe i know where my vote is going…

other then the fact people think wheer fighting a war for no reason now…carrey gets in and that bitch hinze (needless sent more jobs out of pittsburgh/US once john died) tells a diplomat to go shove it…see how good we look then.

and ripping on chaney lesbo daughter…how little does he forget the FAG gov from NJ thats a democrate.

im done politics can suck my ass