10 Years

Yeah, he’s not into cars anymore but he’s very active with bikes. I’m sure he’d go too.

Lots of time to plan. Location would be UB maybe? Where all this began?

wherever is good for me!

I remember trying to get to a south lake meet once, but never found anyone.
Not that I knew where south lake even was on campus.

I figured everyone went out to not race.
I also remember getting no help with a weird turbo cavalier problem at Bubble tea.
lol (such a dumb thing to do in retrospect)


Yeah, I actually like the idea of meeting at Starbucks where the old Bubble Tea on Sheridan was, or across the street at Whole Foods. UB would be historically accurate but some guys never really met there and spent more time at BTC and Southgate.

the old BTC and mighty meets were the best

Man, I miss Mighty meets.

I’m pretty sure Mighty meets happen now and then. @LZ1

Yep there have been a handful the past few summers

damn newman’s skills have gotten even better, he is absolutely insane. Does he even work for anyone anymore or has he opened his own business? he is a true engineer no doubt.

Still gainfully employed. The bike work is too intricate and time consuming to make money from, unless maybe if you’re selling the end result and I’m not sure he’s done that yet.

I can’t find my old UBRF sticker. I’m sure its somewhere.

I was going to put on my.window but I only go from my house to home depot.for the last 2 months.

It might be biased because I drink a lot. People have met on car forums have been some of my best acquaintances.

Someone needs to set up a meet so I can
Find a reason to bail.

Is there some Instagram or twitter hashtag i can us to.find the lost nyspeed or ubrf soles?

He would have to sell the bikes for like $150K to pay for his time lol