100 oct gas around West Seneca???

Soooooo jeeps broke and i have to drive the hatch. Sunco stopped selling last year, and now delta sonic on ridge 100 pump is out of order. Soooo idk if delta on walden has 100 or what but post up if you know where to get some.

delta on walden has 100 oct for sure.

worddd good deal ill swing by after work

do you really need to run 100 octane?

why not convert to E85?

new fuel filter, new injectors, new tune, It’s not readily available everywhere… Need I go on?

probably more readily available then 100 octane…

but ok

Putlers on broadway has 110 for 9.50 a gallon. Just run a mix, 5 gallons 110 the rest 93. I use to do it all the time, but that was when I would get 100LL at the airport for 2.63 a gallon then when they stopped selling it I was running 110 Sunoco mix for 5.50 a gallon. Now it’s rape a gallon thats why guys at the dragstrip are converting to E85 cause its 2.30 a gallon.

not to mention the fact that the mix of e85 is not a consistant octane rating, and will vary from each fill up
unless you make your own, or purchase a huge amount at once…

Does Delta Scratchit on Southwestern /OP road have the one hundo? i was gonna fuel up the bike but wasnt sure.

I don’t remember seeing it there, only 87/89/93/diesel

When was the Delta on Ridge out of order? I was there 2 days ago and it was working.