can anyone tell me if they have it at their location by the boulevard mall? i know they have it at the one in the falls but i’d rather go to the one by the boulevard. even with the cam the truck still has a bit too much compression for straight 93 so i gotta run a mix…thanks.
Delaware has it, NFB/Maple does not.
Delta on ridge rd in west seneca by the thruway has is too
Transit road location also has it I believe.
It might be worth giving the Buffalo Air Field on Clinton a call. They have 100 octane avgas that we used to run in the racecar. Might be cheaper from them.
Union/Walden has it as well.
yup and I love paying 6.50 a gallon for my jet ski
i believe this has been talked about a million times.
also pretty sure the 100 at delta transit is LEADED. you DONT want that in your car.
nor do you want AVGas. Yes this has been covered many times.
yea but more octane bro!!
Whats a gallon worth now?
Remember filling up several times in 02 before heading to Lancaster. Looking back, price was around 3 and change per/g.
6-7 gallon
its just under 3 now for 93.
100 idk, i dont look prob near 5/6 or so but it doesnt matter since itll F up your car since we dont drive cars from the 60’s that use leaded fuel
Big hike in pricing there…damn!
That 100 OC at DS was unleaded from what I remember. Never ran cats anyhow.
Meh, for the most part itll just effect the cat & O2 generally.
100 at DS by my house is $6.49/gallon… not sure if it’s leaded or not.
i also hear…i dont know the validity of this…that since its rarely used/refilled, it sits for so long it loses its integrity after a while :gotme:
Ill tell you another thing. Brought over a RHD S13K CA18DET equipped three years back. Filled up at DS on NF Blvd. with premium and and hour later the car broke down. Turned out the fuel was dirty and or the ECU did not like the blend. Had to dump the tank completely before it would even refire + plugs and filter.
Long shot but I dont trust the fuel out of DS any more. Owned by Sunoco or not, the quality is possibly poor.
It all breaks down with time.
I’m no fan of DS for a number of reasons. But then again, 93 octance FTW.
hmm, well it dosent matter on my engine if its leaded or not it wont hurt it, and as for cats an o2 sensors i dont have those either. im dissappointed to hear about the quality of the fuel at ds, i might have to continue running lucas octane booster with 93 until i buy a barrel. anyone know where i can get a 50 gallon drum of this stuff?