12-17-2005 The Guvernment

Regular night with Mark Oliver. This means you will actually be able to MOVE. All the regular rooms will be open and DJ’s will be there.

For those not crazy enough to drive home at 7 AM hungover, Westin Harbor Catle is 149.00 a night, split it 4 ways and you have an awesome hotel for cheap as fuck. 1/8 mile down the street from the club.

Anyone else planning?

this is actually the classics party. a lot of old school techno and trance, but definately not a party to be missed. i, unfortunately, have mono so i wont be going.

Moving around is over-rated :slight_smile:

I’ve only stayed 'till 7am twice. Staying there past 4am is only good when its a killer set. Otherwise you’ll be trapped in a sea of 30+ year old Asian people (Not being racist, just an observation) with some girl Shelly and her friend whas-her-name who looks better after a little photoshop work; (taken by me @ 6:50am - don’t they look happy? lol, note 30+ year old asian man in background)


I love the guv. Oh the stories…

this could be a possibility. i just don’t know if i’d be up for driving.

damit i still haven’t ever made it out there…but it’s on my to-do list in the very very near future…is there a site somebody can post a link to, that i can add to my favorites, where i can find a regularly updated list of the artists that will be performing there in the future? thanks

Uh… www.theguvernment.com :wink:

:tup: word…whenever i’m too lazy to search something obvious like that on my own, i’m send you a pm

Been there done that…its an awsome place, but WAAAAY TOOOO CROWDED!

god damnit god damnit.

Brendan- I dont even want to fucking hear it from you. YOU ARE GOING, and you are going to like it! You can sleep on my floor if you want, but your going! I’ll even drive you!

And to everyone else- Dont make me fucking drive you Assholes too… cause I will! I am one of the few people crazy enough to do what it takes to get people to this club. most people have no idea what they are missing. I guess you could say I am a Guvernment Professional?

Damn 6:50 am, and I thought Buffalo was hardcore closing the bars at 4am.

6:50 is for pussies. New years will go to 10 or 11… LOL. If your crazy enough to stay that late, you even get Breakfast!

Only if you pick me up and I get to talk with you about Vipers the whole way there and back

^ lol

Id go but i got a limo comin to pick me up to watch the bills get trashed and the goin DT :cry:

i might be able to goto this…

Dan PM me

You can ride in the trunk… and you wont be allowed to talk.

Vipers will not be a topic of conversation unless I am asked something. fucking parts of this car haunt me in my dreams… i do not need to think about them more than I already do.

hmmm… im quitting work

Thats the spirit!

whos got the E hookup in TO???
