12 wii's at galleria best buy right now

there’s 12 of them right this second. word travels fast, so they won’t be here long.

and no, no holding wii’s.

go, go, go.

lol WTF are u using on one of their display computers

yea, my department is pretty hidden. i sit on the computer all day.


yea, my department is pretty hidden. i sit on the computer all day.


roffle you got it made

only 2 left. i guess there wasn’t as much interest in this as i thought there would be.


only 2 left. i guess there wasn’t as much interest in this as i thought there would be.


Still alot of people at work. I have mine but i still think its great that these are still in demand.

i find it amazing that it is still hard to find the wii; but u can get a PS3 just about everywhere

because the PS3 is a huge piece of shit. i think the wii is over rated personally, but i know a lot of people want them, so i posted this.

for the record we’re out of them. when we get more, i’ll post again.

yeah 2 ps3’s at walmart here in pa and 4 360’s.

and wii sucks


yeah 2 ps3’s at walmart here in pa and 4 360’s.

and wii sucks


Wii far from sucks! Drunken bowling>*


Drunken bowling>*


fucking WORD


Wii far from sucks! Drunken bowling>*


1 out of 2 isn’t bad…but 250 bones for a fucking drinking game is too much money in my opinion. drunken wii sports is the only redeeming factor to it. i’m glad my room mate bought it and not me.


1 out of 2 isn’t bad…but 250 bones for a fucking drinking game is too much money in my opinion. drunken wii sports is the only redeeming factor to it. i’m glad my room mate bought it and not me.


yea and Wii Play is good for the money and Zeld owns. It also has games coming out like Super Mario galaxy, smash bros., Resident Evil, and some M rated games coming out. I’ll spent $250 for that.

I just cant see spending 600 for a Ps3, 400 Ok but 6 c’mon. Id take a 360 and wii for 50 more then a ps3 costs. Oh an btw we get our wii’s sporradically but we arent as cool as best buy. Best part is nobody knows we get them right away so employees get first grabs.


yea and Wii Play is good for the money and Zeld owns. It also has games coming out like Super Mario galaxy, smash bros., Resident Evil, and some M rated games coming out. I’ll spent $250 for that.


wii play is good for the money that i spent on it. i personally feel my room mate was ripped off. i tried real hard to get into zelda, but couldn’t. i might pick it back up over spring break.

i am excited about super mario smash and a good first person shooter. don’t tell anyone though. i have a reputation as a wii hater to maintain.


. i tried real hard to get into zelda, but couldn’t. i might pick it back up over spring break.


Zelda is great if you are into RPG games. My brother can play it for like 12 hours at a time but I’ll play it a hour here and there.

Also some M rated games…




http://wii.ign.com/objects/827/827187.html [RIGHT]

i’m actually really into RPG’s. i just can’t help but be convinced that link is gay and only wants to save zelda because he needs someone to shop with.

yea i cant wait for the new mario party. they were fun on gamecube and n64 i cant imagine on the wii. super smash brothers is going to be awesome too

shit I missed it. Any more word on wiis let me know

does anyone know if the statistics are out yet on the sales between the 3 systems during the christmas shopping season?