$13 paint job

It’s an old bike, and I didn’t feel like putting time, money and effort into a real paint job.

$6 for 1qt of Rustoleum “regular ass black,” and $7 for 1 gal. of thinner. Had some scuff pads, sandpaper, etc from before. Thinned 2:1 and sprayed through some crappy paint gun. I’ve also never sprayed with a gun before.

It’s definitely a 10-footer job, but it looks better than it did and was cheap :rofl:

Before -


After -

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Miata FS 019.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Miata FS 019.jpg)
![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Miata FS 020.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Miata FS 020.jpg)
![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Miata FS 021.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Miata FS 021.jpg)

murdered out :rofl:


Actually, I was looking around on the CBR forums, and saw someone that painted it mostly white with some black here and there. It looked great. I might respray it. I mean, it’d only cost me 6 bucks and a few hours one day :cool:


i like it…looks good jesse

For what it is… doesn’t look too bad!

You can put a few coats of Rustoleum on with a roller, then sand and buff to quite a finish. Someone posted a link to it in my old 92 beater Laser project thread. Some of the cars done like that looked awesome.

Nice, if you want to make some money, you can murda-out my bike any time :slight_smile:

There was that guy that did that '69 Charger in Ontario with enamel thinned out and a roller and LOTS of sanding…looked like a 30K paintjob.