14 Days 5000 Miles

It actually wouldn’t be all that crazy expensive. Sub $2k if you plan it out right, gas included (assuming 50mpg like on a bike).

2k = Jetta back to her old self.

Priorities Vlad.

So when are you doing this? If it’s over the summer (like May-August) I may seriously be in.

What kind of cash are you thinking would be needed to make it? What sense of directions are you planning on (Mapquesting everything beforehand or the ol’ road map?)
I’m pretty confident my Civic would be able to overcome a cross-country trip, plus it’s something I’ve always planned on doing.

I don’t haz them.

Fair enough. :rofl

Gas should be less than $600 round trip, only other expences are tolls, food and camp grounds/motel… So like you said, $1500 - $2000 for 2 weeks worth of a trip is actually cheap

I was figuring in a month to two months, but price wouldn’t increase dramatically over another few weeks of cheap basic food and sleeping in a tent with an occasional hotel room.