14 Days 5000 Miles

So Ive been contemplating taking another vacation some time after i get back from Hawaii. Basically heres the plan. Sometime in late April maby early May Im looking to get in the S14 and cruise west out towards Yellowstone national park than come south out of the park and cross back over the rockies through Colorado. Im planning on stopping in and seeing Chicago, St Louis, Denver, Mt Rushmore, Sturgis, The bad lands in south dakota, the continental divide, abandon gold mines, the whole nine. It’ll probably take about two weeks. Im looking at sleeping in the cheapest motels, camping, and really making it more about the travel and sights than how nice such and such hotel was. I talked to a couple guys already that seem pretty interested. Anyone intreseted?

sounds like a blast, but 2 weeks off of work/school = nono for me :lol

and whats up with your avatar?

that would be a pic of my 700whp 93 FD RX7 That i totalled… Entire drive train was built by Eddie Bellow… I dont know if youve ever heard of him, hes mainly known for his work with Porshes.

Eddie Bello, of the former Bellotech fame. now associated with RPM North.

continential divide is pretty cool to cross. the trip sounds killer, i want to drive back across country again, this time taking the more scenic route.

yes, i’ve heard of him.

car sounds great, sorry for your loss :frowning:

how long ago was this, and do you have any pics?

i totalled it about 4 years ago… Unfortunatly i only have 3 pics of the car. i’ll upload them and post them. The damage in the pic dosent look too bad, but the strut tower was actually pushed back about 6" and the firewall was bent

Must be nice to get so much time off that youre planning a vacation after another vacation.

Sleep in your car at Walmart. Ive done it before.

I was debating on doing this myself and debating how things go with the house purchase I still may take a month or two later this summer.

I was however thinking of doing a 12000 mile trip and on the bike, the trip would be a complete loop around US starting by going out west, shooting straight South into SoCal and the tip of Mexico, reaching back to hit Vegas, back down to tip of Fl, and back to NY.

On the bike the general expenses would be much cheaper (gas, etc) and I would camp out in State parks for 90% of the time but the experience would be much more satisfying.

That would be crazy to do on a bike. Mine would probably blow up… :lol

Ahh i wish my life wasnt so hectic, this would be awsome

I have thought alot about doing somthing like this.

I’ve been making a list of all the things in US worth seeing and try to take them all out in one good, planned shot. So I would never feel like I’m missing out on anything.

Life only gets harder as you get older, establish a career, get a leash around your neck with a ring on a finger and spawn some mini devils.

It’s good to get stuff like that out of the way while there is still time and availability.

Europe would be great too :ninja

if i were to ever do something like this it would be in an RV. so sweet.

an RV would take away from the type of experiance that im after… Nothin but a car, some food packed in the trunk, cheep motels and camp grounds is what its all about

RV=pimp status :smiley:

oh well, it’ll probably never happen anyways lol

rv= 6mpg
s14 = 26 mpg

SV = 50mpg


+1… I love driving around long distances, even in a cramped car, its still fun.

Plus you cant race anything but other RV’s in an RV :rofl

This is something I’ve really always wanted to do unfortuantely its something I may never do because I dident keep the dick in the box :sHa_rofl:

I wanna drive to Vegas it just seems like it would be fun to do.

I always wanted to do something like this, but unfortunately a lack of funds and amount of vacation time allowed do not permit it at this time.