Road Trips.

Who has actually gone on a legit road trip. You know, the kind where you don’t really have a specific destination, or time limit. Just drive and document your travels? No fggt gps, no booking hotel rooms, etc. Where did you go? How long were you gone? What were your experiences? What did you do to prepare?

I so want to do this. My ma took a cross country road trip when she was 18. I’m already 21. I feel I need to do this before I “grow up.”

I really think I’m going to do this. Pack up some random shit, and drive on sketchy back roads leading to who-knows-where. I’m shooting for May. After my semester of school is over.

Do it! A friend on here and I usually do a couple weekend road trips a year but we usually have a city we plan on hitting up.

I have always wanted to do a real road trip.

buy a bus before you leave you make it even better.
maybe a vw.

i always wanted to, but that stupid thing called work always interferes.

Yeah. I have a shit job that I don’t give a freak about, so I’m really planning on doing this. I just don’t know how much money I should save up though. I have to figure that the most I would be spending is on gas/food. And then I’d have my CC for emergencies.

I’m talking about sleeping in a tent, on a blow up mattress.

Probably bring my dog too.

Shit, I should get a van/bus. Ha.

Hoollllllly shit!

get it, and go.

Ouch. 8.5mpg. I’m not THAT rich. Plus I don’t have an extra $7k laying around to scoop that up. Hahaha.

well then you’re just not that interested in an authentic fly by the seat of your pants (or whatever the fuck that saying is) road trip then…

stock up on a lot of canned foods. You may not be eating like a queen, but you’ll save a shitload of money. Get some basic camping supplies (pots, pans, anything fire safe).
Take some time and map out a route or something, aim for state or national parks, because it’s usually cheap or free to crash. Hone up on your outdoors stuff, like learn how long to boil water before it’s safe to drink and other things like that. Get a fishing pole, learn how to clean and cook fish. There’s a ton of stuff you can learn that will really bring a whole new life to the experience and save you a ton of cash.
You could go to a book store and find a ton of books with great information regarding that kind of stuff.

but take your time, be prepared for anything you can think of, and then you can relax and make the best of it.

A dog would make it more expensive… and probably much more difficult… but the companionship would be nice.

Well, my mom would not take care of my dog while I’m gone. Plus he’s pretty rad. And would bite bad people. Haha. I don’t see how it could be too much more expensive. Just stock up on dog food before I left.

Do the major cities, and the parks. I’m def gonna go west. Hit up Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, etc.

I’m just typing up random ideas right now. I’m sure when it gets closer to actually happen, I’ll have better plans.

yeah I hopped in the car, ended up in va beach.

Brought a girl back with me, and ended up having to kick her out, I would advise the second part.

Yeah I guess dog food wouldn’t be very expensive, not sure what i was thinking haha. The fact that he’s rad and a biter would be very beneficial too.

My dad did a several month motorcycle trip around the country in the early 70’s with a friend of his, and based on his stories that was a much better time time period for it. They were 18, which is awesome. He said the majority of the time they just crashed in parks, church yards, golf courses etc. He said people were great back then, a couple minute conversation with a stranger could lead to a house to stay in for a week or two. He has so many awesome pictures.

I don’t think that would go too well in 2010 haha.

DO IT! I’ve always wanted to but never wanted to go alone, as it would be much more fun to share the experience with someone. I hope to be able to some day though. I’d definately hit up Yellowstone if I were you.

I’m sure I’ll con someone to come with me.

I drove to Florida by myself, stopped everywhere in between.

I had 10K saved up for it though, took me like a month, slept in my minivan sometimes also. It’s expensive.

I went on a small trip 2 months ago to philly,if you take others with make sure they have more than enough funds and a credit card,I had to front quite a bit for the 2 bums that went with me and it just spoiled the mood.

I highly recommend bringing a GPS along,not to map any destinations but so you don’t end up going in circles and wasting gas,not to meniton you can browse for points of interest,restaurants,gas stations…etc

You can also map your route incase you find something cool you want to revisit right?

This is like… my dream…


True Story.

I’ve done a decent road trip.

Flew to Denver with 2 other friends. Took a rental and drove from Denver to the California coast. We had no deadline, no specific place that we needed to be at any given time. Just a bunch of camping food and tents.

Lasted 3 weeks and put 2800 miles on the rental. Went through southern Colorado into Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Nevada, and California and back.

hit up 8 National Parks including other state parks:
Capital Reef
The Great Arches
Great Sand Dunes
Coral Sand Dunes
Lake Tahoe
Grand Canyon
Death Valley
Goblin Valley
Valley of the Gods
Lake Powell

Las Vegas 2x’s
San Francisco
San Jose
Lake Tahoe

cost only $1100 each for our expenses, including food, occasional hotel, the car rental.

If you drive out west I’m banking on fuel costing ~$1500 bucks or more alone.

I will someday drive cross country in my vette. For fun.