15-30 inches of snow

This is what I am suppose to see in the next 24 hours. how nice!

What do you guys have on the ground?

5-10 i thought for pittsburgh,

^ I think that is what i will be wishing for :frowning:

15 to 30 awesome!

My sister in law lives near Springfield…I’ll have to give her a call

i don’t think i have seen that much. Maybe when I was younger, butler county use to get hit with a lot on inches in the 70’s-early 80’s from what i understand.

got a good amount here… i love it!

down here in greensburg i woke up and my side skirts where completely under the snow as well as half my front bumper so i will say close to a foot down here

drifting don’t count. i would say we only got 5" so far. i’m only 5mins from gburg

we got about 4’’ in the south hills ( so far) their callin for like another 2-4 more tonight

no fair…we only got 2-3 inches here. Alot of rain and sleet. I wish i was in CT right now.

Whole place is shut down. all over the news. we only have about 4 inches right now. nothing major.

so i may have to evacuate. I heard this siren outside then a mans voice. Sounded like it was coming from a loud speaker. I poked my head out of the sliding door and I hear, “there is coastal flooding please evacuate”

so i called the police: i found out they are recommending you move your car to a higher elevation, but they didn’t know how far it was coming in land

now, how am i suppose to move my car if they haven’t plowed the roads!

if i was there with my monte carlo, id move it closer to the water

dont listen to them. Coastal flooding = the win. And on a side note, it was probably just some guy with a bullhorn that is gonna rob your house as soon as you leave.

Every one of my employees called off today…except for one who worked a mid-shift. I worked from 9 am to 10 pm (13 hours) because no one would come in…part-timers I can understand…but my assistant manager wouldnt even show up. I think i’m going to write her up and threaten to fire her. She calls off or is late every time it snows. I need a reliable management team. Anyone looking for a Job?

i’ll be right behind you in the Mustang