Pittsburgh Snow

So I tried to find a website that shows what accumulation you have right now, nada. So how much snow do you have?

3’’ to 5’’ here!

we got around 3" here…

enough for Eurodad to go play on the quad… with his rigged up plow…

I have 2 pics from this morning… don’t know how to post em

3"++ today ontop of the 2-3" the other day alot was blowing around so it’s hard to measure. some spots is 6" some is 3"

i think you have to put them on the web and then hyperlink them?

there not real good(17 dollar dig camera)

^^^^ those were taken at 9:45 am this morning. It was still snowing.

wow! I kinda miss it, but at the same time it’s nice to live in a place that doesn’t get that much snow.

about 2 inches here in Moon.

i got like 5 inches here… i live on a hill in robinson

um…an inch here today in springdale…maybe 2

Thanks for the update guys! I have about an inch here maybe. I kinda miss the salt on the roads. The sand just moves around, doesn’t melt anything. kinda sucks.

prob about 5 or 6 here in the north hills

2 - 4 inches here greensburg

what about the sun? Any today? One thing I haven’t got use to is that there is sun pretty much everyday.

not really,still early

not penis size 8.1, she wants to know how much snow we got. :smiley:

no sun for the past couple days (some yesterday for about 3 hours) … snow was about 1-4 inchs around the area. only 1.9 inches fell in the ‘storm’ yesterday. no accumulation tonight.

check the geological survey site… there is a link to local snow accumulation.