Thanks!! People in CT don’t understand why Pittsburgh doesn’t really see the sun. I just blame it on the mountain or lake or something.
u aint supost to tell!!! :sadwavey:
my bad
I wish Pa would ditch the salt, I still have a hard time fathoming it. I mean, in the typical middle class life, the big expenses are your house and your wheels. Now imagine they come and start chiseling away at your house every year for 3-4 months at a time. Yeah, it’s sort of a stretch, but I still pisses me off to have to pay taxes so the state can cover my car with a corrosive agent…
they make these things called car washes, or even your hose/bucket/soap/sponge will work just fine.
snowed here in stamford pretty good yesterday but only got a little over an inch, suns out today and it’s 20 degrees warmer