$1700 later..

i got a new computer

its a gateway desktop

AMD Athlon x2 dual core processor 2.2ghz
2GB of DDR Dual channel memory
320 GB Hard Drive
Nvidia Gforce 6100 256MB with PCI express
9-1 memory card reader
tv tuner
DVD±RW-multi format dual layer
and i got an upgrade on the monitor to a 21" widescreen one its a beast i love it you can turn it 90 degrees and stuff but not like i would do that though.

oh and a free epson printer/scanner/copier

i cant wait to put it through the runs tomorrow, ill have pics tomorrow too.

that is a lot of money for a computer. did you buy it for gaming?

Thats actually a good price for whats under the hood…congrats!!!

not just gaming i do a lot of video editing and that needs some powerfull stuff when u get advanced i was thinking about gettin a dell xps 600 but this was a way better deal their 20" monitor is another 1000 added on to the price.

For the $ you paid it sounds like it was included in the price :wink:

But seriously… sweet purchase! :tup::tup:

it actually was not the printer that was suppose to come with it cause they ran out so they said that i could pick anyone that i wanted so i picked an expensive one lol

Sweet deal! ood luck and I can’t wait to see pics.:slight_smile:

editing/gaming? u forgot a video card.

no its in there “Nvidia Gforce 6100 256MB with PCI express”

Vile is right,there is no videocard.

There is no geforce 6100 “card”,geforce 6100 is the name for Nvidia’s onboard video chipset.It seems as if they’ve given you onboard video :tdown:

The lowest Geforce card you can buy is the 6200 and its like $40.

I dont want to sound like a idiot or anything but that system can be built like for $500.:tdown: shame on them.

how do u figure the CPU alone is like 500+ i looked it up

thats alot for that system, could of been built way cheaper with better parts.

You guys are such assholes. Seriously. He bought it, hes happy, stfu.

with what an intel :roll2:

Upgrade the video card

it’s also media center 2005… with a tuner and software… so it’s no $500 system…

it’s priced at what it should be… he just didnt list ALL the specs.

but yeah… all it needs is a x1600 pro or greater… or 7800GT video card and a new power supply…

For the processor and the monitor I guess its a decent price. But that video card is slap in the face.

damn man, i am impressed by your hardware

EDIT: for those of u that think thats an overpriced machine you must not be up to date on ur hardware. Hes running a DUAL CORE AMD, 2 gig of ram, 320gig HDD, and fucking 21" widescreen monitor(which i would assume is flat panel). :ham:

yea its a flat panel screen. and dont forget the i upgraded the monitor which slapped on another 300 on the price and im glad i got that monitor its huge. i do plan on upgrading the card but not anytime soon its just not needed for anything i do really, im not a hardcore gamer only once and a while.

2 gig of ram… about $100 or so… HDD $125 or so. I’m sure it’s not to overpriced. I looked that the processor though. Dang that’s expensive… lol.