$1700 later..

lol yeah right, i wouldent be cought dead with a shitty intel.

lol yeah right, i wouldent be cought dead with a shitty intel.

-Steve Jobs

lol me either AMD FTW

HAHAHA I dont think they got it. I sure as hell did.

^^^ :word: that was perfect

I’m glad someone gets me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t you just get ripped off on a HDD?

And you can’t get decent ram for $50/gig, it don’t happen.

I think you got a decent deal, but I would have gotten a AGP motherboard, and not PCI-E … thats going the way of the dinosaur real soon.

I added everything up they gave you for the system,would cost me $750 to build.Not including the monitor.The processor isnt all that expensive,its only $355 at newegg.

I forgot how expensive the FPD2185W is,the monitor alone is $599.I’ll give ya that,its one sweet ass monitor.The week it was released,staples had it for $4xx after you enter a few coupon codes,I wish I would’ve picked one up.One of the only monitors that has component and composite inputs.:tup:

isn’t PCI-E the newer technology of the two?(notice I did not say faster Last time I checked nothing used the 16x pipeline to make it outperform AGP cards yet)
any information to back that up that I am not up to date on

AGP cards are going to slowly be phased out of production, IMO
and eventually PCI-E cards will become cheap enough to make SLI solutions feasible. (i hope)

Its awful that all of the computer nerds are thinking “Newegg” because we know what to build and what parts to use…

we always forget that the normal person would rather spend $1700 on a computer that he needs, because he doesnt know how to build his own.

:tup: to the purchase. At least you didnt spend $1400 on a celeron or something! :slight_smile:

Sweet… good thing I already had a AGP mother board and got he AGP vid card… lol.

yes you are right PCI-E is newer and better than AGP i asked if they had a computer with AGP and they said no thats old technology this is better.

i never heard about this newegg thing i always went on pricewatch is it the same thing?

newegg is the n3rd online source for g33kware. Fry’s Electronics is the Brick and Mortar version (which I now live close to heheh)

Sounds like Tunerfreak got a decent deal - the 1700 bucks primarily paid for the monitor, the cpu, and the legit copy of XP Pro. Obviously the so called l33t haxx0r5 would slice their own wrists before buying any desktop from Dell / Gateway / HP / eMachines, but this seems like a pretty fair deal.

I chuckled :mamoru:

Waiting for Jack to explain the PCI-X thing. Last I checked AGP had already gone the way of the dinosaur, but I haven’t been reading Tom’s much lately. Maybe there’s an AGP-express coming?! Oh I know! ISA Extreme!!!

How dare you put eMachines in the same class as actual computers!:rant: You should go hit up your own wrists for that one. eMachines are the worst waste of money from anyone I know that has got one.

“Can you fix this?” “Why doe’s it do this?”
“Because Johnny, you bought a box of shit.”

And yes, after building my current computer, I would never buy a factory computer again. It’s 100x better to do it on your own if you know what to do, or if you know someone willing to help you out.

Fetter - Let’s bomb them.

Emachines are a dump in a box.

still waiting to hear what you know and the rest of the world doesnt

Yeah, when I built my computer everyone was saying to stay away from AGP since the newer better cards were PCI-E. Ah whatever.

so what do u guys recomend for a video card when i do upgrade?

Depends on what you want to spend