anything nvidia
Word. For a good card at a reasonable price you could pick up a 6800GT 256mb.
Awesome. Sounds good.
I know I’ve talked a few people that I know that don’t know much about computers that saw an eMachine and said “Wow, that’s a great deal!”. All I had to say to them was “Trust me. I know you won’t be using the computer for a hell of alot other than e-mails homework and maybe music or something. Maybe a simple game or two… but you’d be buying an accident waiting to happen when you get an eMachine.”
They ended up getting something else and haven’t had a single problem.
i dont want to spend to much on a card probably $200 would be my limit. also im new to this dual core stuff so how do u get the most out of it?
didn’t read specs of computer just read gateway
He means the 6800GS, basically a faster (overclocked) 6800GT. The latter doesn’t exist anymore, at least on the mainstream market.
Good to know. Thanks.
This is the card I picked up recently,I love it.I couldnt go wrong for the price.
Benchmarks on speak for themselves.
Thats the card I was going to recommend. For that price, you get a great card… 256-bit, 256MB, PCI-E and its amazing.
I’ve put it into a few computers, and it even looks like the price went down!
Of course, after spending 1700 on a computer… play with it before deciding you need an upgrade.
Nah, it was basically a typo, for whatever reason i read it wrong, and then misinterpreted it.
my sister has one of thoes emachines and i use to always do stuff on it that my laptop could not do i never had a problem with it or anything. even played half life 2 on it. i think if u take care of any computer it can be fine except for compaq i hate them my family bought one and then returned it a few days later casue it would not boot up right. i tried everything to get it working even updateing the bios and it still wouldnt.
I would take an e-machine over a gateway ANY day of the week.
They are using the same motherboards as Tunerfreak’s brand new gateway,nvida 6100 chipset.How bad can they be?
Not to mention they’ve got a PCIe x16 slot.
Same stuff,only thing that changes from model to model is the processors and they add more ram.