Ordered this a couple days ago off newegg. 301.32 was the total price.
Actually, a little back story. (Just because i have nothing better to do.) Uh, so currently i have 2 computers.
- Shitty Ass E-machine Desktop with a nice 20in LCD Screen.
Mostly used to run games and most graphics editing. - HP Pavillion dv6000 Laptop.
Take to school, type shit on this. Also has vista and upgraded ram.
So, after downloading some game demos to play; before i buy the game, my comp started running the demo’s slower than i wanted. I was like “wonder how much it will cost me to build my dream computer.” I opened up Mozilla with like 100 tabs to gather every part i need and i got it nice and organized in a spreadsheet. The total of my dream comp was like, ugh, $1200. Thats rounding up. May not sound like a lot for most, but as a min wage college student, its gonna take a few months. I made a pretty nice comp, i decided to go with Vista, just so i can run Direct X 10. So, i got invited to a closed beta and well, my ass hole desktop graphics card cannot run it. i was like “fucking ass.” (direct quote) I saved up about 300 and ordered my N’vidia 8800GTS. If you dont know what it is, its just a really nice, one of the top that N’vidia makes, video card. But i bet you knew that. So yeah, i ordedred on Friday, or payday :ohyeah:!
That leads to today… I got home, wait, wait, first i went to a fight, (had to throw that in) theeeeen i got home. I already knew my package came due to delivery confirmation. So i was like w00t! took all the cables off my PC, opened that bitch up and got ready for EZ-installation. i was like wtf, the PCI card thing looked backwards, so i was like well, ill remove the mobo. so i took that mofo mobo out. and tryed installing my GeForce. And Fucking ass, as i kinda figured, but im too fucking stupid to check beforehand, that my shitty ass shit-E-Machine cannot accept it… the graphics card thats in it is intergrated with the intel motherboard… :fyi:
Well, in good news, i got one thing for my new computer that im building!
And look at how huge this graphics card is:
Thanks for your time, and for letting me waste mine!