well might as well post up new system

even tough i really DID NOT want to spend the cash on this new stuff i had to get a new computer up and running i have dead lines to meet

but here are the specs





Video Card:

That’s a lot of nice specs.

So does this mean you’re going to put it together wrong, blow it up, and go into massive debt trying to get it running? :wink:

yea and cleaned it out with a vacum cleaner haha


dont you have some n00b ass accessdb to manage?

dont you have 8 hours to waste building some slut a myspace who will ignore your frankenstien ass?

barking up the wrong tree faggot

ok we can play that

Just out of curiosity hat made you go with that video card?

Still need that disk?

All good except for the graphic card.

I would go with XFX graphic card, they have great support and good reviews. I have a 6600GT and its great!

i dont do any gaming what so ever so lol.

i had a 6600

  1. you said you had a PCIe x16 vid card already, why get another one?
  2. you said you had harddrives already, why get another one…

also for 30 bucks more you can double that harddrive size

Get a 10,000rpm hd you cheap bastard!!!

no i said i had a AGP card.

doing a fresh install on a ne whd, i need the data off the other ones.


20 dollar mail in rebate too :slight_smile:

cd’s work for ya?

i need a 400watt 24 pin power supply :frowning: the one i have doesn’t work.

You mean blow it up twice.