18 Tricks to teach your body...


Sorry. I’ve heard that song too many times lately.

pics should be shown in person and on a trade basis. I whipped out the phone and showed wifey’s boobs in return. Would trade again.

now that I think about it, I think I was pretty buzzed when this went down and even showed McBitchen the pic… haha.

Would trade again. Thanks, I guess that’s a compliment? :rofl

Who needs pictures in person when she can just lift her shirt? lol.

The picture sharing was between the men. I was not present, nor was I drunk enough for those shenanigans.


if anyone should gets these pics it should be me! i gave her free shit!!!

I’ll give you the $1.32 in my pocket if you direct them my way. hahah.

JVG gave me free shit too, but I almost broke my phone trying to keep him from seeing them. :stuck_out_tongue:

u ment to say…

who needs pics when she can just show them to us in person.

your statement didnt make much sense. the thought of nicoles hoobies are clouding your brain.

wtf? do i look like i care?

show um naow or banstick!!!

Like I said before, they are on Justin’s phone.


It made perfect sense (to me lol). Why would we need pictures in person (on someones phone) when in person she can just lift her shirt (and let us see them right then and there). However, she stated she’d have to be quite drunk to do that…and I don’t drink nor do I go out to bars and such…so it’d be hard for me to get her to do that hahaha. Therefore, pics FTW.

what a bunch of creeps

No amount of alcohol is making that happen.

Well good thing I don’t drink then. I wouldn’t have to waste a crap load of money on drinks only to fail. lol.

You wouldn’t be the first.

men and boobies :rofl good thing us girls can see em anytime we want

We definitely make out better here, a penis is not an attractive piece of anatomy.

:rofl nope not as much as a nice pair of boobies :rofl