Anyone ever had this?When I sneeze feels like I'm being stabbed in the side near belt

Have no idea what this is but it just started a few days ago.When I sneeze hard,and I’m sitting down feels like I’m being stabbed or my skin ripped apart.If I push in the spot where it will hurt, then sneeze it won’t.The thing is, is that there is nothing there that should hurt.only skin.I know I’ve gained about 10 lbs or so in the last few months,maybe it’s that.Had the same feeling when getting into the Vette earlier and it was a tight spot and really had to lift my leg up to get in and was like daaaaaamn.
Anyone have any ideas?

i have an idea

go see a doctor…

from what i understand, thats an STD … go see a doctor

Dear sir/madam,

I believe you are suffering from death. There is no cure.


Dr. FuzzyFish

P.S. Get a second opinion.

Pulled muscle? :shrug:

I took a hard fall snowboarding and the symptoms were semi the same - pain was more consistent, X-rays months later showed that I cracked a rib.

go to the doctor/emergency room/after hours care facility/free clinic or whatever, it sounds kind of serious


In fact


This is for fuzz.

Honestly, it sounds like a hearnia of one type or another; I’d defenetly go see a doctor about it.

:lol: :lol: :lol: x987654321 :lol: :lol: :lol:

hahah, im saving that one for muscle 5.0

A hernia over there? I thought hernias when in a more central region of the body?I’m seriously wondering if it’s my skin stretching from the extra weight?Damn I need a diet.
TY for cheering me up tho.:slight_smile:

pulled muscle?

its prob a pulled muscle. put some icy hot on that shit.

i would have agreed with the hernia idea, usually you’ll feel that in the crotch region or off to the side, but definitely moreso in front of you

couldnt really tell where you’re feeling it based on your “belt” description

All the way over to my left side.If you push in I guess you would feel your hip bone.Was sitting at the comp. and sneezed and like woooooaaaaaahhh felt the knife again.felt another sneeze coming,stood up and no problems.Might be a torn muscle too I guess.

pulled mucsle or muscle tear

in any case, see a doc., something like that can only get worse unattended.