Bruised rib?

For several days, I’ve had this pain right where the two sides of the rib cage come together at a point. It hurts if you touch within about two inches of it or do any kind of crunch kind of movement. Coughing sucks and forget about sneezing! Sound like a bruised rib? Thing is, I don’t remember hitting it. Maybe I did it while working and just didn’t notice. Probably going to go to the doctor but just wondered if those are the symptoms.

Gall bladder ?

would not be your gall bladder, that pain sucks it might be bruised ribs

Sounds like a bruised rib. Very similar to the pain I had when I bruised mine over thanksgiving break.

Hope you feel better Jeff! I was wheelin up webster yesterday, almost flipped on a huge hill climb, had to ditch the jeep, it ended up running over my left leg… it hurts pretty bad…

Depending upon location you feel it, might be a bruised rib, walking pnuemonia, pleurisy or broken rib?

Hope you feel better Jeff!

possibly shingles?

It was costochondritis. Some kind of inflammation, take some pills it goes away. No limitations on activity like sanding drywall joints or grass cutting - damn it…

prob the shit they use for gout as well , i had to take it for my nerve n pain in my wrist b4, did u have the shits from it:kekegay:

i broke a rib before. it was terrible. it hurts to breath, cough, sneeze, laugh, lay down, touch it or move. doctor cant really do much for ya either.