I woke up last night in absolute agony. It feels like someone stabbed me in my left shoulder blade and pried everything apart. It literally hurts like hells just to breathe. I have no idea what I did but OMFG! It hasn’t hurt this bad since I had my surgery. It feels like a VERY intensely pinched nerve or something. I cant turn my head to the right or it hurts so bad I wanna puke. Does anybody know how to remedy this? I don’t use the word excruciating very often, but this very much so is. I’ve broken bones that didn’t hurt this bad.
word, i get em all the time. If i sleep funny. Its probably a combination of a pinched nerve and muscle strain. ive been to the point where it hurts to breathe cuz of it, sucks. Take some Ibuprofin or something like that.
Does it hurt to type on your computer?
yea i get them too… i never really narrowed them down… but it lasts a day or two for me.
all i can think of is that it is a strained ligament
could be bricitis? Woman gets it all the time and i just went through it for a week. ibuprofen for the inflammation and do not sleep on that side.
I used to wake up with this. I found it was how i slept on my sholder for 12 hours a night. I would want to punch something it hurt so bad.
My biggest problem is when I sleep I’m always tossing and turning. I haven’t slept through an entire night without waking up at least 5-6 times in probably 10 years. I took 2 7.5 lortabs and it didn’t touch the pain. I have a fairly high pain tolerance but this is just shitty. I put a hot pack on it and it helped a tiny bit for like 10 mins then ti came back full force. DOH!
Just roll up a phatty and start blazing. the pain will go away.
lol I don’t do that shit anymore. Trust me I would love to, but I stopped.
I am not losing friends over it and I am trying to get into the plumber’s union. I am not going to throw away my future for a few hrs of fun.