Attn: GFs and Wives

Although we giggle when you do it, we don’t enjoy being tickled. It’s annoying.

Some “girls” never leave 8th grade.

I love holding my gf down and tickeling her. She loses her goddamn mind

one of my fav things to do when spooning is i take my right arm, grab her one arm and hold her really tightly, then using my left arm I tickle the shit out of her. She loses it, starts screaming like she’s being raped and convulsing. God I’m a bastard


Yea, tickling is the shit. If you’re bored, just tickle the shit out of someone (no homo) it’s great
However, dont fucking tickle me. I will close my armpits on your fingers till they break

I push the wife out of bed when she does this.

lol she does said “no one cares what you think” fml lol

I love tickling the shit out of my wife. She giggles like crazy and bounces all over the place. Strangely enough though she threatens to pee on me if I dont stop.

After this thread was posted I hugged her and said “I’m going to tickle you” “omg omg don’t tickle me please omg please no please no!”

Just the thought o me tickeling her freaks her out haha

:bigtup: I am terribly ticklish and hate when the GF thinks its cute and fun.

tickling always ends with someone getting punched in the eye by accident.

or kicked in the balls. accidentally, of course

Every girl I’ve ever known says they legitimately hate it when their boyfriend tickles them, and seeing as how every guy thinks they secretly like it (for some reason), a lot of girls probably hate their boyfriends. heh

We don’t enjoy it either…

Stick your finger up her ass, she’ll enjoy it also

I need some kind of special weapon, so the gf knows that if she dares tickle me, I will unleash said weapon. Sort of like a peacekeeper missle. you mess with me, I nuke your country.

Oh the noises she made…

I can control myself when I get tickled, so she doesn’t do it and thinks I’m not ticklish at all. lol

i am free friday night.:poke:

Not into the whole tickle attack thing. But if you smack my ass, I willllll get you back.

Atomic farts

We dont like it either
all it is, is frustrating.