Why we cheat...

Why is it that girls think when you reach that magical one year mark in a relationship that they can just cut your sex life in half, or more. And then when you do have sex, it is half the enjoyment it used to be because the girl decides all of a sudden that she no longer enjoys doing what she originally did?

More importantly how does a girl think she has the right to get mad at us when we are literally FORCED to fuck another girl because our sex lives suck so bad.

That is all.


Time to move on.

“i fee like all you care about in our relationship is sex”

Lol, chris.

damn i feel bad for you guys… almost 5 yrs and im not having these problems!

she have a sister?

two actually, one has a kid the other is only 17 and in N.C.

Im not having problems either…

Although our sex life did get cut inhalf sense before the 1 year, sense the two year and living together but it still happens 5-6 times a week…



road trip to NC anyone? :clap

I envy you.

The worst part is having a very sexy g/f. It’s like standing in a pool of fresh water while your dehydrated and not being able to drink ANY of it.

Haha so true

she’s up for the holidays right now. the wifey’s mom and sister went to her other sisters house in middletown, ny. so she’s really not that far for a week or so!

This is the perfect situation for me.

She good looking? If not, is she willing to do certain drugs and/or alcohol?

If yes to any of the above, I need a release. Hook me up.

lol drug free but both have baggage. one still lives with the babys father they just arent together. the other only likes toolbags with blowouts!

I have a few Armani Exchange outfits in the closet. And I can def make the hair happen. Let me know.


Adam, get on AIM NOW