Why we cheat...

Sounds like your hanging out with the wrong girls and at about a year you get bored with one another. Time to find a new one

if she likes insane/fucked up country guys, put in a good word for me…:ponder

she likes lifted diesel trucks!

+rep to the OP… Im enjoying being single.

so your saying i shouldnt have sold my m1008, i feel the same way :frowning:

OMFG +rep. I hear that once a day.

havent heard that in over 8 months, i kinda miss it…

/debbie downer post :lol


Heres one:

I cheated once, the girl wasn’t all that great looking and I don’t think I would do it again.

:rofl :rofl :rofl


Me too. I dont need the drama.

PJB…NO Drama

Well Im just one of those guys that doesnt need a relationship or another person to feel ‘complete’ or whatever and certainly dont need somebody bitching at me, telling me what to do or shit like that.

Yah but I feel like you have no contact with females at all… I’m just saying I love not having stupid ass phone conversations that consist of fighting and arguing over nothing. I love not being tied down either, I mean I’m no Chris Leo but I can still score a girl every now and then.

PJB, you got a lot of girls touchin your pp?

Not like I dont ever talk to any girls.

nope. None.


You say you enjoy being single because you dont have the option of being in a relationship. Not because you have so many girls your like f that im staying single.

Really I dont mind it. Its been so long I dont give a shit anymore.

Never give up man.

Its just not something I worry about.