180 cars, lost for 15years...

I don’t speak spanish, but from what I gather, some bloke decided to store 180 cars, and ‘forgot’ about it in a warehouse for 15 years!


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This guy is going to be a rich mofo!

hoooww the hell do u forget about a warehouse fullllll of cars you own?!?!?!?!

^^ agreed

^^ dido

^^ +1

i mean how is that phyically possible??? :S

how is it mentally possible lol

hows is this possible in any sense of the term

id love to own any one of those, except for the rusty studebaker lookin ones


he’ll probably forget it when his own garage has about 200 ferarri’s/porsche/whatnot. i know i would…

wtf… damn thats alot of cars… and to forget you got them all in a warehouse collecting dust.

Its most likely a case of, More money then Brains syndrome…

Perhaps this dude was married, and hid his collection from his wife. Passed away in a tragic accident, and just discovered by his son, Pedro."D

lol pedro …but still i duno how u cud hide that

you dont have to hide all the cars just the big warehouse that there sitting in.

but ya i dont understand this either its just crazy.

lmao nice story gabe.

or it could be some illegal black market for those cars, but the guy that was dealing went to jail for life and his car’s still left in the warehouse

Gabe I think this guys needs your services x 180… you could make lots of money on this one!!

Is that what happend?


Churchill, notice the “perhaps” hahaha

thats not spanish man its portugeese or somthing… um and it dosent say what happened or i cant find it if not i could read it and let you guys know…