19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

kid is a dirtbag. so is the mom. Hope he goes to jail for a long long time.

[QUOTE=BITCH;913140]thank you for sticking up for her.Also this is on a friend of mine it is not my name or hers[/QUO Also i have been standing over her the whole time i never let her on this with out me.

You are welcome, seriously. But honestly, it wasnt a good choice on your part bringing a child to a gun fight. I applaud the want to allow her to speak her mind, which she did very well but this isnt the fourm to do so.

But that’s not my choice to make. :zip

My friend is standing right next to me she just made the thing for her she saw what was being said handed the comp to me as i was reading it so was she. Like i said i had nothing to do with the name

Let’s figure this out…

BITCH = ? tdi logic?

Good I wouldnt, there is next to nothing a 10year old should see.

Def dont look at the OhHaiCP thread. :rofl

Lmao you guys are falling for this idiots nonsense. The kid fucked up and in the end it coated some one their life which is truly sad but man up and accept responsibility for your poor life choices

BITCH… who made that “News montgomery countyfultoncounty” what ever it was called nonsense?

Again full of spelling, grammar, lack of spaces, and utterly retarded nonsense? Did you catch the intellectual conversation I had with “them” on page 2 IRC?

Look I want to say this, and ask Jenna… I mean no harm and dont wish anything any worse on Justin or anyone else involved. Enough has been done. I honestly, from one member of the community to another, really wish that something can come from all this for the better. Its just in-human to wish someone into a deeper hole than they already dug, I am not trying to do so. May the young man lost rest in peace, I hope for a full recovery on the sister, condolences to the family and friends, and I hope Justin makes things better for everyone he can, including himself.

No i dont even look on this my friend only went on to see what was said and i only went on to see what was said. After today she is going to take her name off this she wants nothing to do with this sight.We all are only on because of justin and want no more to do wi this she just said she knows the name is wrong but said it is her her. Her and i are friends but some things she does is not what i would do

Holy shit is helen keller typing for you?

No she had nothing to do with that sight.

Good. Because that site was not helping the cause.

You want to help make this better? Maybe look into the Lost Boys. It was a club started by a man and his son I worked with about 10 years ago, when their brother/son Jason Rose was killed. They lived in Johnstown too. While it will never right, what was wrong… it might help. That club has somewhat lost its meaning over the years, which is a shame, but the name is still carried and carried proud.

I am just throwing ideas out there to try to help.

So wait… KK was wishing jail time and such on this Justin Jamoke guy and now is wishing him the best because someone apparently let their 10yo daughter on the site but under a friends name but was watching the whole time? I’m gonna go ahead and guess some kid signed up, realized they’re dumb as shit, back peddled and said it was their young daughter typing to save face, and now it’s all good? Hmm… Also, mom’s grammar is no better than the daughter’s.

Ban KK


Are you dtf?

Vlad, can we get a confirm?

No thats her mom not her grammar

One way justin could make things better for everyone is by facing the consequences of his actions. Anything done to go easier on him just takes away from the importance of those that he hurt.

If the people defending him were the ones who had just lost a son for a dumbass 19 year old’s mistake, they’d probably want to crucify him. Yeah it must suck to have a loved one go to jail. You know what sucks more? Having a loved one die. What’s worse than that? It being someone’s fault.

He’s not innocent. His decisions killed somebody. Just because you like someone, doesn’t make the shitty things they do less shitty.

On a side note, I just used shift favorably in a comparison of literacy. Not sure what to think of that.

No, the car should be donated to the local FD where they torch it and/or cut it open with the jaws of life honing their skills in such rescue events.