19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

No duplicate IP Addresses that I can find.

And death usually doesn’t like to be cheated.

So from what I gather, the driver of the other car “swerved” at the Mustang causing it to crash? Still, if the Mustang did NOT pass the other vehicles someone would still be alive today and someone would not be critically injured.

What it boils down to is someone screwed up. When you screw up, you have to pay the consequences of your actions - such as going to jail. Loved one or not - a speeding Mustang killed someone.

agreed :thumb

I can’t even read what bitch wrote , that’s bad

stupid decision, now someone is dead, its sad and he should have to pay the consequences for his poor judgment. passing “friends” on a 2 lane road.

exactly, we all including myself have gone racing or showing off. Ive done 160+ mph on a public highway before. However it wasn’t in rush hour traffic swerving between cars.

  • rep’o

that already happened in real life though.

+1 for pics of “mom”

Unfortunately that’s not how the world works. We have these things called laws and they apply to everyone.

the page is getting fucking hilarious. bitches be getting nuts, especially the kid’s aunt. what a piece of white trash.

you’re as illiterate and dumb as your kid. Stop reproducing.

glad you go to church and help people learn about god. what about teaching your kid to drive like a human being and have some respect!? sounds like he drove like a complete dick, which leads me to believe he has no respect what so ever. punkass.

Does this have anything do with roids and tazers?

“bitch” is an offensive username to me.

+1 for permaban

:lol +rep. when i can.

I don’t get this… a kid lost his life… yet this “woman” and that facebook page os more concerned about the killer than the kid who was murdered… there’s something wrong with that picture.

bros before bros.

pics or ban


And the kid who dieds sister is in the hospital in critical condition, and these scumbags are at home online talking on forums about how their son doesn’t deserve to be arrested.

Like I said before, they should be at the hospital all day and night supporting the family, not at home in their trailer being dirtbag pieces of shit online.