Never. Leave. Albany. County.
It’s interesting to see how people come out of the woodwork and start “defending” the kid, because, gee, his actions actually had consequences. I suppose anyone that makes a “mistake” resulting in hurting or killing others should just be left alone - after all they feel bad, they should not be punished, right?
BITCH, or whatever your name is, maybe we should ask what the family of the kid he killed thinks about that.
Maybe you should teach her whats is right and wrong then. We live in a society governed by this thing called “Law” that deals with rules by which people have to live. According to that law people have to pay for their “mistakes” no matter how sorry they feel after the fact or how much your 10-yer old daughter likes them. Did you know that virtually none of the people who populate prisons consider themselves guilty of the crimes they have committed? Something to think about.
He has clearly proven to be of zero benefit to society and is therefore better off for everybody if kept under constant supervision (read: in jail).
Yup and then he is a waist of tax dollars.
They need to bring back chain gangs.
It’s okay though, felony conviction isn’t necessarily grounds for immediate employment disqualification.
Leave it to the amsterdam/johnstown area to produce all of these inbred morons. They want to see a kid that just killed 1 person and crippled another walk? What the fuck is wrong with these people?
This kid is fucked, his friends and family can complain all they want but this kid is going to goto jail for a long time.
And Im pretty sure thats not my old Mustang, Id strangle this kid if it was
C’mon guys go easy on the kid. We were all 19 once and I feel this could just be chalked up as a sincere mistake. He should be let off of all possible charges and perhaps even some sort of fundraiser should be had for him. I mean, afterall, who really is the victim here? The kid with minor cuts and bruises or the dead kid and his sister in critical condition?
Maybe the kid should hire Tom Anelli (sp?), the DWI guy. He seems to make people facing DWI charges look like victims, what’s any different about some punk kid who killed someone else?
No chris. I saw the car and the driver in my town weeks earlier driving like a punk, on roads my wife, brother, sister, mom, dad, etc drive every day. the road the accident happened on was 3 minutes from my house. I am just as pissed as everyone else, maybe a bit more so becasue it hits a little closer to home.
My entire point has and still is this. You step up to the plate every time you turn the key. When you strike out, you sit on the bench. The kid pushed his luck, like we all do/did… but he did it in a really piss poor way (back road, ricer flyby on his friends, forgot how long the road is…) and paid the ultimate price. Whats done is done, and he has 3 more hurdles infront of him. The justice system can and SHOULD stand for it self, and he should do as it says. Has to cope with the his mistake for the rest of his life. And lastly, the BIGGEST reason I put emotions into this, he should somehow be an advocate for young people as NOT to make the same mistakes he did. Old fuckers like you and I can tell some kid not to goof off like that to look cool and its in one ear and out the other… Some kid about the same age looking another new driver eye to eye and saying “You dont want to do what you think you want to… I KILLED SOMEONE DOING THAT.” can and will sink in, and maybe prevent your niece, nephew, son, daughter, or other loved ones from getting the short end of an unfortunate stick.
I have been talking to the kids girlfriend actually. She wasnt there. The story the people are saying there said the stuff in BOLD was the case. But everyone knows it cant physically be the case, and its a “cover up” for the true causes.
The road is straight as an arrow, for about 1/4 mile after a slight right hand bend (the direction they were going) NOT a passing lane for them. The impact was at the very end of the road, where it meets the highway. Hit the embankment full speed, rear ended the truck and launched the car.
The point of impact has NOTHING to do with someone swerving. Hell there could have been an autoX course of cones, a bolder in the road, 20 deer and a small asian a few thousand feet from the impact. If the driver was going the speed limit, swerved or what ever riiiight at the end of the road and nailed the brakes at the last second, i highly doubt the car would have ended up in a HOUSE! Speed + ramp + rearend a truck = what happened.
BITCH isnt the kids mother. But never the less, any friends and family should be bedside not on shift, facebook, infront of a news camera, etc.
If this were 20 years from now, I would have zero doubt that this is Travis’ kid, and the Bacne chick is the mother.
added my 2 cents to the page lol, he’s an adult, he should be tried like one…
ha, they deleted my thread on their page.
What the fuck is going on.
After the mother and daughter deleted a few of my posts from the page…I told the mother I was going to save screenshots of every post before they delete them and post them on my FB, minutes later the page was down.
We all have been at the hospitl we all do have hearts.We own are own homes and no we dont live in trailers this crap needs to stop.How is this talk helping anyone.If you have read any of the post both familys are really close freinds.We are on talking on forums because low lifes like all off you are talking crap about Jusin and it is not right.Speak your mind yes but the ones on there calling him a scum bag or a dirt bag or low life and ll the other names that rae being tossed at him is not right.If you all think he should pay thats fine he will pay ll his life knowing his best friend is gone plus what ever the law gives him.As for the bashing nd nme calling it is all really child like.Justin works for ever thing he has a job a good head on him he is not low life or any of the other names you all are posting.
Sorry but if you never posted here in the first place, we wouldn’t still be talking about it. You are fueling your own fire.
Please use proper punctuation and spelling before making another post so the rest of the forum can understand what you are trying to get across.
If you actually are 10 years old and your mother is standing behind you as you type - as you claim to be, why are you registered under the name “BITCH”? Thats highly inappropriate, you wonder why no one is giving you credit or sympathy? How was this someone elses user name that you took over?
If you died in a car accident tomorrow after being struck by a drunk driver that swerved to miss a deer in the road, would your parents want to see that person in prison? Its tough to see someone you know and love go to jail or prison - put yourself in the other persons shoes. Who ever was driving the Mustang needs to act like an adult and own up to their guilt.
Stupid bitch
hes going to pay sitting in a concrete cell for a very long time about what happens when you break the laws that govern the roads while in the process ending a human’s life. And what he did because of his immature decision process makes him a sack of shit and i hope he feels like a sack of shit for a really long time.
Lol at this shelly vanostrand chick , she is old as hell and has a huge gunt . Can ya tell her to dress /act her age . Seeing as she is farrrrrrrrrr from hot .
Thank u , paws