19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

OMG You have nothing better to do then spell check.We do not come on this to make all are spelling up to your code. that was me not my my friends daughter this time im the real BITCH.This is not about spelling opss i did not do good in school hmm that makes me a bad person i think not.For your info not that you need to kow this shit but let me tell you i was born 3 months early and my brain dont work like you sorry for not being perfect.I have had alot of learnig probulms but does that make me bad hell no.I still have a life and a shit loud of friends.I might not be as smart as you but i have a life and have a right to say what is on my mind just as much as you do.Even if shit is not spelled right.


so you’re all that dumb and can’t spell? :dunno

i cunt spell neether. i iz a bad persun!

twat did you say?
i cunt here you!
cum over here and we’ll finger this out.

You finally got a laugh outta me! :rofl

You can call me dumb all you want it dont hurt me one bit that you have to go on a web sight and down people who have things wrong with them.I am alot better then that to let you get to me.You try to walk in my shoes for one day o shit I forgot i can not walk yes asshole I have never walked do you really feel good about yourself.You have no balls you hide behind a comp and talk shit about people that you do not know. You know what i am done with this page because low lifes like you dont have nothing better to do then to try to make themselfs look big and bad well guess what you are not.:haha

Hey bitch ,keep posting . It makes my spelling look better . I ate paint chips , did drugs etc I still can spell a little better than u lol stupid bitch . Go make me a sammich or do ya not know how to read the mayo jar ?

Since you can’t walk, does that mean you can’t drive? Because clearly… neither could justin.


, . < still missing some of these.

Fuck. It pains me, horribly horribly badly but, i have to do it…

as the wiggers say, “you just got SERVED”




^ lolz were had.

Shit he posted a pic of himself.:lol

this happend down the road from me the road he was on is nothing but corners and potholes its a shit road to begin with the road he went across is always busy he got air from it hit the hill across the road went up clipped the truck flipped and landed on hs bumper i drive past it everyday i used to drive like a asshole ive calmed down alot i dont do it unless i.know the area now and its not busy or like 2am its horrible thing i feel bad for the kids that got hurt and killed that kids ginna live his life knowing he killed his freind and possibly the girl to fuck the charges thats a worse penalty that anything