19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

With you writing skills I find it hard to believe you even have a permit. Your posts make my head hurt.

Thank you this is what we have been saying.He is really in alot of pain knowing he will never see his best freind agin.He went to the candle lighting last night and it really hit him hard.All he can do is sit and cry he dont want to eat or nothing everyone has to make him eat and drink.This is a really sad thing but he has to live with it for the rest of his life.


mod edit: BITCH, if you’re unsure that the post was directed at you, feel free to assume that it wasn’t.

I didn’t ask you to come here in the first place, no one here did. All I ask is someone needs to find the space bar and if a word is underlined in red you can right click on it and it usually shows you the correct spelling and/or fixes the word for you.

Second of all who said you were a bad person?

Third of all, I also have a right to share my opinion along with everything else on here. You’re on a public forum. Whether you like it or not.

I’m still trying to figure out how you think he should walk away with clean hands after killing another human being, critically injuring another, doing almost double the speed limit and from what I see in photographs almost sending the car through an occupied house possibly killing more. By your thought process I should be able to shoot and kill anyone I want with no reprocussions based on the fact that I’ll feel really bad about it after.

She wouldn’t of found it of if krazykid didn’t link the thread to the Facebook shitstorm and him acting like a typical mike on it as well .

Good he should feel like shit. If I was family of his friend and I saw him there I’d punch him in the face for being such a taint licker

I bet you would walk to me if I had a box of twinkies in my hand.

Yep, stupid hurts.
It doesn’t make you immune from the law though.

Bitch thats life. It starts with the first toy someone took from your hands in pre-school and will continue till the day you die. Respectable people learn how to deal with it in a respectable manor. And more importantly good people with morality and self-esteem ignore the UNTRUE comments people make towards them, like Faggot, Shit head, drop dead, etc. People who fail at life feed off that stuff and make it compound, much like that dumbfuck (thats true, I gave evidence on post 38 & 40) that is running the “free Justin…” face book page, just keep fueling a failing fire.

If thats the case, then why even post ANYTHING back here??? Either that first bolt statement is a lie, or you cant accept it in your head and you keep “fighting back”?

Second bolt part. Again, talk to the idiot thats running that “free justin” page. Because thats EXACTLY what they are doing. Hiding behind a screen name. Deleting people comment, most I saw that were not ill directed towards Justin at all! just becasue he has the “power to”. If it doesnt agree with the idealistic bullshit they are shoveling it gets erased. I was on there using my full fucking name. More than once I wished EVERYONE, including your 10 year old kid goodwill, all I made comment towards your entire situation was to show you thick headed people YOU ALL NEED TO SHAPE UP. not just Justin. You ALL look absolutely, flat out, ridiculously STUPID. Clinging on to “we all make mistakes, it was an accident”, that never even needed to be stated, its fucking implied. When what should be being talked about and discussed on these media outlets are WHAT THE FUCK YOU PEOPLE WILL DO NEXT TO GET OVER THIS HURDLE IN LIFE!!! Not once did I see a single POSITIVE thing come from any of his “supporters” mouths.

Take a good hard look at yourselves. like I am damn sure Justin has himself in the last few days. CHANGE YOUR FUCKING LIFE FOR THE BETTER.

So do I. 3 miles away in ft. johnson. Where the impact was, is straight as an arrow. Take the slight bend, straighten out and boot it, you will hit 100 by the end easily. If you want, I will shoot some video in my car to prove it… road conditions, and “friends” swerving at him fucking around has zero to do with the casue of the accident. They are excuses.

fuck you John. Not only did you buy into it too and post on their shit page right along side me, you are posting here against Bitch and all this shit too. I am sorry I get emotionally attached to things in my community. I am sorry I give enough of a shit in my life to atleast attempt to help someone going through hell instead of sitting idly by. The only thing I ever said against the kid was he drove like an asshole and diservers to pay the punitive price. The rest of my typical mike comments were hoping that the people involved might open their eyes to what the fuck is going on around them and attempt to cut the trashy behavior out of their lifes some how.

This world is fucked up, and the communities are tearing themselves apart around us. This is just one example. The more sheep that sit, point and laugh yet do nothing are only making it worse. I could give a fuck if people dont like my “rant” like post, here, there or anywhere. Maybe if people started reading them and seeing what I am trying to say, something might change. If one motherfucker somewhere said “you know what KK is right, I better cut the shit”… my job is done.

Yeah i am pissed.

Dude Noone cares lol , it is a fact of life . Kid drove like a tool.has redneck fucks flapping at the gums etc . Am I wrong that she would not have found this place if u didn’t post it ? Why would u do that ? It’s not like we are caring for his mistake so why link the bullshit there ? I like ya mike but my god man Noone wants to deal and or care with what happened but them , he had no ties to shift . Then for u to say ya don’t stunt and act like that us fuckin dumb ass well

Oh and Fuck me ? Ok dude ill remember that next time ya need inspection help , bleeding brake help etc . I’ll stop

No one cares, is the reason the fucking kid got killed, and his sister is in the hospital John. That fact of life is what causes these accidents and general shit in life. No one cares.

I just made it easier to find us I guess. How many people got killed on bikes this year? 8 or so? How many of them are members on shift? 0 or so??? yet there was a thread started, commented on, argued, agreed with, etc. Hell people chimed in with “I knew him” or even better (in typical mike ways) said “Yeah that kid rode like an asshole”!!!

and started a shit storm.

How the fuck is that any different than what I apparently did???

John I still love ya man! This is just mikey getting heated. You know me well enough that I dont mean anything against you. Just continuing the shit storm.

Well don’t Fuck me , I’m good eating

^ :rofl

Can attest. Tastes like pennies. :rofl

what a dumb bitch

You all know I have nothing to hide.

Who wants the god damn truth to why I “care” so much about stuff like this.

I just got married, settled down, started putting the pieces of the Life puzzle on the table, and my next step is having a child.

The one thing so far in my life I am fucking straight up terrified about is that next step. I got to ride along with a cop and pullover a drunk driver that blew a .24, and was his 4th dwi. Guy was total trash, and didnt give a shit about anyone. I dont push my luck driving a few beers deep anymore. I dont need to be that guy. And I dont want to have that guy take a member of my family. Punk ass kids fucking around blatently reckless in cars, I dont want my child or family taken away by them either. The list goes on, and on.

Dont need to call me a pussy, i will beat you to it. The feeling of uselessness towards those things is holding me back from continuing my life. My rants, arguments, what ever you all call it, is my outlet to feel a smidgen of usefulness over things I cant directly control. To help me, help myself get over it.


If my son died and my daughter was in critical condition, I’d be on Facebook taking notes of everyone’s name on that free Justin Facebook page. I’d be having batting practice on everyone making excuses of how it happened.

Kk your good shit, but your posts are mind boggling sometimes bro. First you make the post saying you saw the retard fucking around, then you take the little sisters side, then you go post this sites link there now we got some idiot on here posting about how it’s not Justin’s fault and just stirring up more shit.

Homie. I stuck to my story beginning to end. I know there is alot I said in the last few days so it gets lost.

-I witnessed the kid, in my home town drive like a douche.
-I said he deserves what we gets in court, as I would if I were in his shoes.
-No sides are taken. Its his GF I chatted with briefly, not his sister. And the basis for the convo was to share things in my life, friends I lost the same ways, and how I dealt with them. Then made suggestion on what they could do next to cope/move on.
-Like I said to john I posted a link, but it would have probably happened anyways.

/\ case and point, http://shift518.com/showthread.php?t=25747 Please read and follow that one.

/\ 's cliff notes. Kid rode like a dick, was whitnessed by others on here, did a 100+ into the side of a truck and died. This “SweatyNready” person came out of the wood work like BITCH and stur’d up shit.


Mike’s a real good dude.
I just hope that when he does have kids, he teaches them not to make several paragraph rants on Shift. We have one KK, dunno how Shift would be w/ KK Jr.