19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

Thanks Chris, you are a true friend too.

John and John, same thing guys, no hard feelings towards you guys. As you can see, I have a lot of stress in my life so if i take it out on you guys over the interwebz my bad.

I’m busting your balls, your krazy posts are good for some good reads.

Lol sometimes I laugh and sometimes I’m like this kids nuts.

I figured as much man. its all good.

I laugh to myself a lot of the time as I type them! And there is a reason I chose KrazyKid for myself! :rofl

So lets reenact the exact scene, I’ll swerve at you in another vehicle and you can drive your V8 jetta. The cage should be good enough for a roll over right?

:rofl :rofl

whoa krazykid man im not agreeing at all with ehat happened he should abs be in jail no questions asked and if you know that road you wouldnt dare race on it and i dont if some asshole swurved ht the brakes and back off dont jerk the wheel and loose it thats fucking insain and i honestly dont belive it at all bdcause he hit that hill straight on

bitch ur a fucking idiot for defending him he should have too take all responsability there was other ppl in the car and he drove like that fuck him and fuck you if your to stupid to see it

Salty milk and coins.

7th page and still no pics. wtf!?

didnt say you were man. Actually it sounds like you and I are more or less on the same page actually.

edit. where do ya live (aprox, didnt mean it as a creeper question) and what kind of car do ya drive? Wonder if we ever met at some point. If not, I would like to introduce myself at some point.

i can’t make any sense of anything you write daknut. holy shit. is english your first language?

This accident happened about 3 miles from my house. The accident scene was pretty violent. Just last week this kid passed me in the center (turning lane) in Johnstown. From what I hear, he killed a someone on a motorcycle a few years back. He may have gotten off easy with a few tickets, but the worngful death lawsuit will never escape him, especially if the sister dies.

i live in broadalbin by the highschool. i unfortuatly have a green 3000gt at the moment and yea man its cool id like to meet some ppl from here and they can see i do not talk the way i type lol.

He has never had any other accidents before.I do not know where you got this from but dont run you mouth inless you know what the hell you are talking about.Justin has been driving for 3 years and never has even got a speeding ticket this is the first time anythink has ever happend.The kid who was in the othe car crashed 2 years ago annd the other kid in the car passed away plus he has behind a car that rolled over 7 times and the driver was hurt relly bad.None of this had anything to do with Justin.

whats the other kids name? weres he from? what car does he drive? i just want to.see if i.know him

I relly do not want to say names on this.

Last name is godwind I think

I hope your kid gets life in prison. Get off our forum twat.

well tgat tells me you dont know what the fuck ur talking about. you prolly dont know who the other person is or anything about him

no doubt man. I think I have seen you and that 3000GT around actually. I know a bunch of “car” people in BP, FJ, etc. Hopefully I will see ya around soon.

yea man Im eveeywere im in a-dam alot because of.my girl mine the dark green one with big chrome wheels my names nick slade whats urs?

I do know who he is but i am not like that to post names sorry.