the distributer on it right now got cracked when we toke it out of the grand prix but just the cap and i should have an extra
The motor you have pics of is NOT a Pontiac V8, it is a Small Block Chevy. I understand you may have pulled it from a GP, but it is not a Pontiac motor. The link Joe provided will not help you in any way decipher what this motor is. Here is a link for decoding Chevrolet engines. I am certain there are better sites to help you decode, but I am at work & do not have the time right now to locate them.
A pontiac motor has exhaust ports that stick out the sides of the motor (about 5-6" from the outer valvecover rail) , the oil filter is on the pass side, the intake manifold does not seal the lifter chamber at the front/rear of the block, etc, etc.
Here is a pic of a 389 Pontiac V8 from my GTO (all Pontiac V8s have this basic look - a 265-301 is a shorter deck than 326-455 but looks the same) & all 1965 & up 326-455 can interchange parts given the proper years are used.
is it possible for a GM to be stock in a GP? ill have to get ahold of the guy and ask him if its the stock engine and what all he did to it. if you look at the distributer its not stock but doesnt say a brand, and the carb. is a holley but idk what model. He also gave me proformace headers for it but i put them in storage and idk what brand they are.
Beautiful engine btw do you have a project thread id like to see some pics of your GTO
you just need to quit cars… seriously
Do you mean a Chevy motor to be stock in the GP? GM owned Pontiac, too.
GM used ‘corporate’ engines in all brands. Some Pontiacs had Buick engines, some Buicks had Oldsmobile engines, etc, etc. I wouldn’t shit you, you got a Chevy motor.
My thread on here is
My website has more pics on it: & click on the GTO.
oh yeah, that chevy should have a stamp next to the disty pad
It is very likely the pontiac motor blew and was replaced with a SBC…I would look at pics but it takes 10 min to load page
yea ill have to talk to the guy that gave me the GP but i agree my engine looks nothing like that GTO engine.
BlkP42E your an idiot. im still learning about cars hence the reason im asking questions. everyone starts somewhere i just started later then most people. if your just ganna talk shit then go somewhere else cause nobody wants to hear it
lol. im not the one asking if GM engines come in GM cars.
That truck looks like a cool project and would be a nice ride if you ever get it done.
so it is possible for a GM motor to be in a pontiac
i think you mean is it possible for a chevy engine to be in a pontiac and the answer is yes. Google gave me this for an answer on whats the difference between a chevy 350 and pontiac 350. On a small block chevy the distributor goes through a hole in the intake manifold. On a pontiac the distributor goes behind the intake manifold.
At least before the government took over
ok here is all the markings on the block:
by trany mount: 14016383
under exhaust ports: 383 (both sides of block, upside down)
i found a site that had those casting numbers and it said my engine is a 80-85 305 2 bolt main. my pap told me it was built up to a 350. thanks for your help.
i put on the new distrubutor cap, spark plugs, starter, reconnected all the hoses and lines, tighten down all the motor mount bolts and checked over all the frame bolts. I started putting on the headers and found they are to high and aim right into the tranny cross member so i toke manifolds off of a different engine.
Tomorrow i plan to mount a rat. and hook all the hoses and lines to it, put on all the shocks, put on the manifolds, maybe mount the gas tank, and see if it will crank.
305 2 bolt truck engine… throw it over a hill.
are you saying its a bad engine? why?
Not bad especially for free…but for a few hundred bux you can get a 350
It’s not an especially desireable engine, but it will help you get your project on the road & you can later upgrade it to a 350 or 400, or even build a 377 or 383 or 406 or 427 or 434 or 454 or 472, depending on how much you want to spend. That’s the beauty of a SBC, they are all basically the same & can interchange very easily. The biggest issues are what side the dipstick is on & using the proper harmonic balancers for the proer type of balance. There are a few more small details, but still easy to interchange.