few interests
This car was sold with a running RB20det, for 1500 dollars
Also… the metal strap located behind the MAF, is part of a snowmobile track tensioner, and used to be the only thing keeping the frame rail from seperating from the strut tower.
The owner previous to “slammed240” did weld in new metal at the base of the strut tower however.
A looooong time ago… Kengi owned this car. And then I did, then brenden, then there was a 350HP rb25 in it, then 3 owners, then “slammed 240”.
Its not a bad deal… but the car is not even close to clean.
^ this is why i “spam” your thread.
other than the fact that you’re bumping your shitty thread pretty much every day with irrelevant comments like “offerrrrrrrrrrrr” and “few interests,” 90% of the people who write on it are asking you for pics. you fail to mention that the first pic of the car wasn’t even the actual car until page.2, and even after you still only take 3 shitty night shots which barely show anything, and complain about getting on the wet ground when you KNOW pretty much everyone is interested in underbody shots.
this is why i “SPAM” your thread, it’s because of you that people always complain about shitty FS threads. you waste space with useless and misleading info. take a day or two to get some reasonable information and pictures together to make a proper fucking thread. how hard is that
lol he paid $200 for it from the last guy, just found out. Its amazing what a social netowrk 240 guys in burlington have ahaha
Keep going, SPAM, never learn, hense why this fourm sucks
dam is this what my car has become??? glws
Who gives a fuck what he paid for it. sharpe-corners, are you not the guy who posted an s14 for sale on here for more than double what you paid for it? If its worth more than 200 bucks to someone its worth more than 200 bucks to someone.
L.O.L. as bad as your reply was, it’s not “spam” when people are simply calling you out of your shady bullshit. i’m glad that the people who know are letting everyone else know because you’re obviously not planning on saying anything about it. makes sense why you made an excuse for taking underbody shots and the general lack of information/pictures in this terrible thread. how can you even get defensive and say “that’s why this forum sucks,” i think the only reason why people may think the forum sucks is because of people like you who try to make an enormous profit off a pos car without even being honest about what shape it’s in. you can put this on kijiji and no one would give a fuck, but don’t bring that shit here and try to be sneaky about it
let me know how much a silvia front end, lsd, and ka cost. if you say anywhere near under 1000, go learn your prices. and as for why i got it so cheap was because i swapped his engine for him on top of the 200
just curious what lsd is in it? you could get a silvia front, vlsd/welded, and a ka for <$1000 nowadays… you GO LEARN YOUR PRICES?
also, mods should delete this thread so this seller can make a proper for sale thread. there’s a “how to make a for sale thread” thread for a reason.
s14 axle and LSD with new driveshaft too
Cool story bro
This was one of my fav. 240s when it was in Kengi’s posession…
The guy told me the lsd was worth 1000 alone
I can buy a new 2 way for 1000 dollars. ahah
^damn it you beat me to it!
ahahahaha. Pwned.
lmao. Do you know the kid too or just read the drama?
whats your username on jdmr?
hmmmm you smell that? . . . i smell a BAN! LOL’Z