1994 Buick Lesabre Limited

yea dude, totally. i mean a turbo instantly adds 125hp minimal. It’s not like a majority of d series turbos are under 200hp either. and bs to the 125hp stock 1.6, unless it a b16 or ur talking crank hp.

Oh man. :mamoru:

:picard: Still a better story than some though.



will not read again…do not pass go, do not collect $200

Great Kill!

In before the edit.


In for name changing all “Buicks” to “Slayers”.

I drive a GS, and all I can do is just shake my head. Sure, it’s a nice car, and pretty quick for a grocery getter, but I’m certainly not gonna come on here bragging about beating up on a civic either.

To the maker of this thread:
Please, if you’re gonna go out there and race on the street, keep 2 things on your mind:

  1. have your head out of your ass before you kill yourself or even worse, an innocent bystander
  2. it’s gonna bite you in the ass if you get caught.

#1’s the biggie, and much easier said than done if you’ve just gotten your liscence. Just be careful man, and keep the nonsence posts to a minimum, ok?

so the kid with the turbo civic, was the turbo like hooked up or was it like in the trunk waiting to be used? haha
I used to have a grand prix with the 3.8l series II, fast car especially with a catback, but i would never in my right mind knowingly take on a modded “civ” i not retard lol

I would…well, certain ones that dont run 10s :wink: :tup:

The civic had a stock motor and the kid was not too keen on boosting the hell out of it, only put 6 psi of boost.

I’m sold.


Yeah, because modded civics are so fast! There are like… what… 3 that run faster than 13’s in buffalo currently? Maybe 2 in Rochetser?



He should have fought with himself.