Buick Wins!

After i get out of work i drive home on XXX road and im crusing at 50 and a car comes up next to me and i see the backend drop a little and it accelerates, so to play with it, i get on the gas and drop a gear and pace him, he proceeds to floor it and i let him get to about my front wheel when i drop down again and dont let him get any room, we keep slingshotting for a little while until we hit 80, then i slow down to 40 as does he, i give 3 honks and we GO. I dropped into 2nd got to 55 let off the gas for a smooth shift to 3rd and got on it again to get to 95, by the middle of second gear i had a few busses on him.

It was fun, not real official but fun.

I have a 1994 Buick Lesabre STOCK!
and this was a mid 90s Jaguar XJ6 probably stock