1999 honda prelude

what is difference between base and SH models for motors?

just trying to locate a motor for SH model and seems non existent.

theres somethign with the steering I cant remember what exactly it is?

Here you go Jeff. All you need to know about base vs SH.


Also here is the specs on all H/F series motors


now anyone have SH motor?

SH has the Active Torque Transfer System, which distributes power more evenly to the wheels around tight turns for less wheelspin.

If your going to be AutoXing, then get an SH. If your just using it for daily use and maybe putting some mods on it or anything, the base is the way to go. It is a tad bit faster< nothing noticeable, because the ATTS unit weighs a little bit. Also the Sh’s are a little harder to mod because of the ATTS unit again, and some of the parts are longer then the base, like the exhaust piping . It can just be a pain sometimes and is pretty expensive to fix from what some people have said.

I have a base and am pretty happy with it…

i’ll have to read the honda-tech thread when i get home. i was under the impression that the SH just had atts and the base did not.

I remember something about the Sh having some type of immobilizer system in case someone were to steal the car and try to put the motor and ecu in something else it wouldnt start? I may be wrong?

no they both have that. TegSimple is right, that is the only difference except weight and the SH has 5 more HP to counteract that. and like i said before, the atts can be kind of a pain sometimes, but is a really nice feature