1g talon vs cadillac? (scenario)

this kid is obsessed with racing me in his crapillac sedan deville, its a 96, a boat all leather and accessories and shit, he thinks he’ll smoke my 90 talon TSi . any opinions on this other than he’s more than likely gonna eat his own words?

EDIT: yes i just realized i spelled cadillac wrong in the title

Maybe give him a 5 car head start?

You’re going to get smoked.

1996 Cadillac Sedan DeVille 7.2 15.4
1990 Eagle Talon TSi AWD 6.8 15.1

according to magazine bench racers, this should actually be a driver’s race, assuming you’re stock


You’re going to get smoked.



3 tons of crap and a 250hp engine<200hp 1 ton 5 speed turbo car

more like a 3200lb, 5 speed turbo car… but you’d still probably win.

isnt a ton 3000lbs? if so im prolly just about at a ton after everything leaves the interior of my car

1 ton = 2000 lbs

If your going from a roll it should be a easy win.
If you are going from a dig, the biggest issue will be your launch. If you botch that your done.

haha oh, my bad im only 1000 lbs off. not too shabby :stuck_out_tongue:


isnt a ton 3000lbs? if so im prolly just about at a ton after everything leaves the interior of my car




lmao sorry i such with the whole numbers/math deal… either that or i have the interior similar to fred flintsone’s car

Don’t forget, it’s not gutted unless you pull the dashboard out also.



3 tons of crap and a 250hp engine<200hp 1 ton 5 speed turbo car


Don’t laugh… I’ve raced a very similar car full of kids in my talon. Had I not been the best driver ever, they would have beaten me.

Your screwed.

im not screwed by the time im done with my car it should have a similar HP rating.

i have faith in you cky!.. lol

Thanks buddy!!!

p.s. im still down for that trade if you ever become interested LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: alksdjf

…I don’t get it?

I think from a dig he’ll get ya.

Roll should go to you being that he’ll be in high gear and you’d probably be in 2nd or 3rd depending on roll speed.