1k Birds fall from Sky, 100k Fish Die in Arkansas

On New Years thousands of birds fell from the sky dead, and plus 100,000 fish end up dead as well. Kentucky and Louisiana also reported dead birds too, sounds like an end of the world/horror movie. Apparently it was “fireworks” that caused the deaths.

Let the End of the World theorists come out and share their opinions… haha

More dead in Sweeden: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12118839

Two million dead fish in Maryland: http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Wor...15880847?f=rss


It was someone shooting off professional grade fireworks in a residential district, scaring the night-blind birds out of their roost into a 25-mph flight that ran them into houses, signs and even the ground, says Karen Rowe, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission ornithologist. “They were bouncing off houses, basketball backboards, trucks,” she says.


i cant wait til the world doesnt end and i get to make fun of the conspiracy theory people for the rest of my life

They didnt make 2012 a movie for no reason…:lol:lol:lol:lol

If were lucky, they all still drink the punch.

thats crazy

I blame the chemtrails, personally.

Awesome post.

Area 51.
Mass panic.
Hide yo kidz, hide ya wife.

I blame the coloreds.

Well all the Apocolypse stories never say how the signs will happen but they are signs none the less.

Behold the dark prince shall be loosed from his prison and walk the soiland all that is live and pristeen shall be replaced by fire and brimstone…

time to get some shorts and a whole lot of BBQ supplies




im starting to see a pattern here…

damn peanut butter mondays