Story day in the local news paper

OK…so if you have a minute go ahead and read this…just may make you tear up LOL

So I work at a local pet store on Rt. 65. I opened the store w/ my buddy this morning at 10am. We have a 12 week old African Grey Baby parrot that we have hand raised from day one.(valued at $2000). At 11am we open the front doors to the store and he decides to take his first flight. He flys across rt. 65 in a 130 ft high tree. After thinking of all options and calling rescue places we had no further options than to call the local police. They come down with the fire dept. from emsworth. Then Avalon Fire Dept. Shows up w/ a 100ft boom truck.

Me and a local fire guy go 100 ft up in this boom while they actually shut a lane down on Rt. 65 for us. We are still 30 ft from the bird who is terrified and won’t fly from the tree, or has the energy from being so young. At this point all options are exhausted and there are TWO red tailed hawks flying over the little guy.

Our last thought was if he stays in the tree overnight(if he makes it that long) he will be dead by morning. He is still being syringe fed by us 5 imes daily. We figure we would take a pellet gun and shoot into the tree to spook him down. No luck. We then decide(LAST OPTION) as our very last alternative to shoot the bird out of the tree. We fire one round at him and hit him in the chest(breast) area. He falls 130 ft to the ground w/ no broken bones etc. When he hits the ground he is pumping blood out of his chest and going into shock. I pick him up and put pressure on the wound. I have my buddy rush us up RT 65 at 90 MPH to a local vet were they are currently treating him. They said after X-rays that the pellet is not in him and they put an IV, antibiotics, and blood clotters.

If you could all just say a word for the little guy tonight that would be great. It was just awesome how the community(probably 150 people) came to help w/ the rescue effort. The Local citizen newspaper was there taking our pics up in the boom of the firetruck ande pics of the bird…it was kind of embarrasing being the Mgr of this store but well worth it. These birds are so smart and so nice that it would be a shame if he doesn’t make it. …best wishes buddy :wink:

so you shot it?

a local guy actually took the shot…it was last resort. If he would have stayed out overnight it would have been dead for sure.

worth 2k? scratch and dent sale price?

If I ever need rescued I certainly hope you don’t come to my aid

Where oh where oh where has my taxpayer money gone?

Sorry to hear about the bird, and I am an animal lover but I hate to see such a waste of tax resources.

The trucks are sitting there why not use them? I thought it was a good end to the day myself. We spent 6 hours trying to help the bird. Are firemen only to fight fires now? Are police only to enforce criminal laws? I think not. Good hearted people not being paid to help us. It sucks the bird was injured but its better than dead I would think. I’m very pleased with the outcome as well as the other 150 people there. Funny how pittspeed puts a sick twist to it LOL

No twist, goverment just doesn’t operate like I think it should sometimes. Don’t let me rain on your parade.

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so a bird that is valued at 2k and you werent careful enough to watch him from flying away, so now the bird is fighting for its life cause of a mistake you made? whats the real boss say? if the bird dies cause of your mistake do you lose your job?

1.)Where we careful enough? Maybe, maybe not, is was an accident on both of our parts.

2.)Is the bird fighting for its life b/c of a mistake? Yes, just like an other major “accident”…key word quik…accident

3.) What does the real boss say? He was walking around handing out 50’s to all the firemen. No big deal. Hes not from pittspeed and realized it was a mistake as well.

4.) IF the bird dies do I lose my job? No, not even a thought of that. We resuce and take care of a lot of abused birds. Some birds we have are over 50 years old.

well best of luck to your lil birdie. hopefully this wont ever happen again

Thanks, I’ll let you guys know tomorrow how hes doing and post some pics.

Wow that sucks. Not tryin to be mean but why wasn’t he in a cage? Poor lil thing, hope he makes it. Cheers to the VFD and the others who helped out! :slight_smile:

hope he makes it through


Seriously! for a $2000 bird! Why would you shoot it with a pellet!!! Go to K-MArt and buy a $40 air-soft gun and knock the fucker of his perch…you made a huge mistake shooting it with a pellet. Hows the little guy doing? When I used to shoot birds with pellets they would die…instantly. You’ve got a pretty tuff bird if he makes it.

i’m gonna call animal control and have them remove it to my house…my ex wants one of those so bad and you obviously aren’t fit to have it :wink: