1st Annual Pittspeed Pizza Power Tour Sept 12th 2010


everyone pitch 23 and hook me up with a foodstamp pizza plan



Doughboy’s is nowhere near Crivelli’s.

on paper it is but reality its not. there is an old lot across from doughboys were ppl can park. however doughboy’s pizza blows IMHO

yup and opinions are like assholes everyone has one and buddy ur an asshole lol

look who decided to follow my posts once again. youre like crabs i got from your wife. you just dont go away

I like Doughboys, order from work on the island every friday

Dominoes new pizza > everyone

now now now we all know thats not true being ur a cock sucker.

I understand that, but due to the parking situation, we’ll have someone run and get the pizzas and bring them back to the parking lot

dude its the rocks. wanna be gangstas and hookers roam the streets.

Park on the sidewalk. no one uses the sidewalk: see above.

or Park at my work. it’s closer and has a scale for yins fat fucks:)

Just park on Island Avenue… it’s not sketchy or anything.

im in

Probably in, at least for part of it.

added you guys in

see you then

Sweet, 4 more people and my welfare pizza is only $1 more per person!

I WILL get in on some Doughboy’s and it’s close to my place.

cant wait!