Irwin Cruise '07

Event Title:
Irwin/North Huntington, PA Norwin Hills Car Cruise 5PM
Norwin Hills Shopping Center
Click Here for detailed Directions!
Recurring every Saturday

I didn’t know it started that early.

I’ll be there as usual :slight_smile:

I’m game.

Last time I went, I never met up with anyone from this board. What’s the protocol? I could do jumping jacks over by that bank so you know it’s me.

Ok, maybe there’s a better way.

I’ll give you a call. Your number still 911? Allllllrighy then.

PM me your number, I’ll give you a buzz when I head up if you want. Hell, I might even still have your number in my phone, I’ll have to check.

i’ll see if i can make it

I gotta get another car!!!

I’ll have to go down and check it out.

Sounds like a nice event.

And, Beat90tsi doesn’t dial 911…he dials 1911 :rofl:

You got that right tough guy.

sweet…hope to see you guys there…as usual u should be able to identify me…:rofl:… i’ll prob be around 2 F-Buckets & a Typhoon

SoLow, what’s your name? It’ll be easier than calling out "Hey SoLowExtreme.


Just look for the real tall guy!

Cold, man, cold…

i will be home for easter so i might stop out


Chris or alot call me by my last name Guffey

yup thats me :rofl:


ill be there considering i live 1 minute away.

I’m always there. Not much else to do around here.

Where in White Oak are you? I swear I’ve never seen your car.

I make it up there probally once a month, my cars not much to look at now, so I’d be hiding it on the side if I go lol!