1stgen vs. the world S.T. come to my neighborhood

That is totally BA.

Too bad there won’t be anymore “ride incidents” like at WGI, as that was truly hilarious. :rofl

I’m in!

I thinking I can score a ride with both Tom and Jesse this year and that would be sweet.


Still baffled to this day as to why that even happened. lol

Are you coming to WGI if you’re still in Utica?

Thats cheating. I shall prepare for our dual by hot lapping through your neighbor hood with a sign on the car that shall read “Jesse Clark paid me to do this”. I will also have your adress plastered across it also

LOL That’s basically the deal I have with my own neighbors so DO IT.

Oh yea I will be using your white car to do this. This way if New Yorks finest happen to show up they will no way of tracking the vehicle to any one and as long as I stick to windy roas they shall never catch me

Very true. If they were really clever they could look up 77JP and ‘Clark’ on it and find me but by then they couldnt prove anything - you’d already be in Mexico.

Ill be home for the whole summer. Taking Differential Equations during the summer session. :banghead

This is very true. They will just think I am some ricer with a giant wing. Plus I will strip all vinyl and then the car will be white and they wont have shit on me.

Oof. That was the course I got up to as a mech engineer and then changed majors. Good luck.

LOL If the vinyl is damaged in any way, SRS BZNS will cut you.

Im willing to take my chances. I gotta talk to dad and see when the next race I can attend is going to be

Your dad isnt coming to Mid-O in 2 weeks, so he might have to wait til Calabogie in July (Gah! That’s a long break).

Oh man I cant afford a Canada trip with you fuckers

Neither can I.

Calabogie is cheapo Canada trip - middle of no where. Tremblant/Montreal is massively expensive Canada trip. Strippers, etc. Gets pricey.

Yea booze cost’s more up north. And those god damn hookers are real pricey

Real Canadian beer = worth the small increase. Possibly the best part of the trip.

True. I need to hit the lotto so we can party hard in Canada

People go out and break the bank at Tremblant (because Montreal is close) but it doesnt really happen at Bogie. It’s a relatively cheap trip for Canadian standards.

Hmm maybe I shall attend. I thought you guys were doing an event in Jersey some time soon

[quote=JClark;330651]Oof. That was the course I got up to as a mech engineer and then changed majors. Good luck.

Yeah I am taking (and passing!) Calc 2 with the worlds hardest math professor right now. It’s like taking Physics with Newton as the instructor.

His final is tomorrow. 6-830 ugh. It will be my THIRD back to back final tomorrow.

I’m headed out to take 2 finals right now, Hydrogen fuel cell design, and C++.

Tomorrow is Technical communications :retardclap, Thermodynamics :(, Then the big nasty Calc2 final. :eek

See you on Saturday! It will be a well deserved treat for me. I aced my advanced machine design final yesterday so things are looking good!

Jay and possibly Jon want to do NJMP on June 8-9 but its on a Mon/Tues (weird…) and it’s not a major points event, so I doubt any of the heavy hitters will bother showing up to race. I’ll be just flying back into town from racing in OR at around 8:30am Mon…so I’ll need a nap.

Congrats man, those classes suck. I thought Calc 2 was harder than 3, but I had also started to check-out of engineering at that point. Props for having patience.