1stgen vs. the world S.T. come to my neighborhood


Jesse --We have a cancellation in Advanced for Saturday --I am told Jon is next on the list --Want to see if he or Jammer want in?

Sorry to thread jack --back to your regularly scheduled bantering.

Hi John --see you Saturday.
PS --Jesse you are “Official” with the people that count in the committee

I’m still trying to embrace that officialness myself. :wink:

Jay’s car is still in VA. I’ll let Jon know.

pfft diff eq, calc 2, thermo and c++ are easy.
Got A’s in all of them

Did you go to Suny-IT Lew?

I should have A’s in everything and a C in Calc 2. I’m fine with that.

1stgen hard at work


holy shit dude! LMAO

Your link doesn’t work…hmmmmm I guess everything you try to accomplish just falls through the cracks…like the better parts of your DNA…onto the sheets below…I know because your mother is very particular about where I lay my baby batter… Something about spidermaning it onto her face just turns her the fuck on…

http://lemonparty.org/ (in case you missed 1stgen and his father hard at work)

The things you two do when your mother isn’t around is both shameful and an abomination to what the good lord intended.

1stgen you need to stop and ask yourself, “Is this where I want to be when Jesus comes back?”

Don't blaspheme with me......You will be judged......


That is all…

I am doing NJ, hopefully Jon too…

I dont get why you guys dont save it and go to a premiere event that will actually have people there… Tremblant weekend > NJMP and its 2 hours closer.

I wants to do techs to get free tracks times

I’m glad people can have a normal conversation in between our ridiculous feud.

Lets Go Mets !!!
