2/2 Frizzy's beer wasted omg

ya im second guessing this whole thing myself… it is quite shitty out

theres no real snow in the city, southtowns is rough though

i just got off the phone with young jeller and he said the city is fine, as soon as you get to the skyway it isnt bad at all.

hmm… maybe you will see me after all


Leaving in about 15 minutes :slight_smile:

fuck u mike and ur tequilla. i need sleep


lol…u drunken bastard HAHAH

wish i was there :(. I miss drunk mike

:bloated: just got in, what anight

u miss drunk mike? fuck u to bitch

i wish i coulda made it! but im having a blast @ this cabin party and mike there is sooo much snow here that i almost got stuck in it with the sled! like 3-4 feet…wahooooooo

fun times, :tup: maybe next time I’ll stay longer

I hate you Mike

Your idealogy of buying shots is insane

Heres how you think

You buy a round of shots for 20 people, a couple return the favor, nice. Anyone who returns the favor you buy 5 more rounds of shots so they get so drunk they cant return the favor unless they puke all over themselves.

I almost lost it this morning, but slept it off. The shot cocktail in my stomach was gurlging at 7 am. The wife wasnt as lucky ha.

I went to Tudor for Karaoke…and got beer spilled on my from a drunk bitch and her douche boyfriend waving their beers around in the air…awesome.

I should have gone to Frizzies… next time.

brett nelson i hate you so bad.

chugging manhattans > *

good times kids


boooze = win